Chapter 51: The Night the Wolves Came

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Sighing, I pull my cloak over my head as the rain starts to drip through the cracks above me

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Sighing, I pull my cloak over my head as the rain starts to drip through the cracks above me. It has been three weeks since that stormy night. Three weeks since I was cast from my home. Three weeks of being forced to live in these dreaded woods all alone. It took quite some time but I managed to find shelter in this large and hollow tree stump. But as time goes on this corpse can only provide me with so much shelter. Sooner or later I will have to find a new home preferably one with a real roof.

I sigh with relief as I watch the rain begin to slow before coming to a satisfying halt. With the window of opportunity that I have been waiting hours for finally open I grab the raised fireplace that I built with random things I found a few days ago. Setting some logs onto the plate I cast a simple spell to light the fire.

Sitting on the large moss-covered rock that I've been using as a seat I watch as the flames eat away at the logs. I allow my thoughts to dance away into their dark place thinking of nothing but revenge and blood. I smile at the idea of looking down at Valerie's twisted and bloody body. I chuckle as I think about the screams that would echo through her. Blood. Screams. More blood. More screams. The wicked thoughts that have been the center of all my dreams of late twirl around in my head over and over again as I watch the flames blend. 

Noticing that the fire is close to death I carefully toss some new sticks into the small fire. I try to be as careful as possible but the hot flames despite being small and new manage to jump up and sear the exposed skin of my wrist.

"Damn this bloody thing," I hiss shooting yellow sparks at the fire.

The sparks send the flames into a frenzy. Small orange embers float up and dance through the air before some of them land on my skin burning me again.

"Ow!" I scream. I try my best to wipe the embers away but it's almost as if they and the pain they bring with them are sticking to my skin. "Why won't these things get off of me," I cry. The searing pain flooding through me mixes with my powers sending them into a state of chaos. Releasing a mighty cry I watch helplessly as yellow sparks fly through the air striking whatever is in their path. The smaller bushes fall flat and tree trunks crack. The soil soaked from the rain flies through the air and my fire blows out.

This destruction doesn't matter to me. Nothing else matters to me. Nothing but my thoughts of sweet and necessary revenge matter. If I had only been quicker with the spell or perhaps done it when she was leaving then it would have succeeded. Valerie would be dead and I would still be in the castle. I would be safe and warm. I would still be with him. If only he knew what I did for him. He wouldn't have left me if he knew what I did to save his life those few years ago.

It was a clear night sky. The first the castle had seen in a long time having just come out of winter and the long rain storms it brought with it. Standing by the window gazing out into the decaying garden I take quick notice of a figure trying to sneak through the garden but failing miserably. I have to press my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing at his overly dramatic attempts to duck and hide in the bushes. I chuckle as I watch the old man trip over what is most likely a rock and tumble to the ground. He slowly picks himself up and wipes the dust off his pants before continuing his journey toward the castle doors. After having very little entertainment for weeks now this small show was very amusing, but now what was an interesting sight is shifting into a problem. The last thing I need is to have another person to see Henry and then run back to wherever they came from spreading stories of a beast lurking in a castle or worse I don't want anyone to try and kill him again. 

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