Chapter 49: The Hidden Statue

Start from the beginning

"Who's there," he asks. Taking the question as my cue to leave I slowly take another step backwards, but just as some sick form of luck would have it I step on a thin twig immediately sapping it in half. And of course the sound it makes just has to be loud. I can hear him sigh and I know for a fact he's shaking his head. "I know you're there Maurie so you can come out now. In case you haven't noticed already I need some help here."

"I'm not Maurie," I call out as I step out from the shadows, "I can still help you though if you want."

Glaring at me, he shifts his focus back to the part of the podium laying at his feet.

"I'd rather have this thing crush my foot than get help from you," he says with a voice so twisted with malice. Bending down he places his hands underneath the broken piece of the podium again getting ready to pick it up again.

"You won't have to wait too long if you keep trying to lift that thing by yourself."

"Why don't you just run along to Maurie? I'm sure he's waiting for you and that dam book he needs so badly."

Suddenly, I'm filled with the sensation of dread as I'm overcome with the stark realization that through my mental breakdowns and using all of my energy to keep myself from crying, I forgot the book. I forgot the one thing I needed to bring.

"Damnit," I hiss through clenched teeth.

"What?" Running my fingers through my hair I let out an ear-piercing scream. "What the bloody hell was that for?" he screams at me with his hands pressed against his ears.

"I forgot the bloody book."

"So you decide to scream?"

"I haven't had the best of days."

He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Don't take this as a sign of friendship, but do you want to talk about it?"

Glancing at him my brows pull together and I tilt my head like I'm looking at a rare exhibit.

"You want me to talk to you about my terrible day?" He nods. "Seriously?"

"Do you see anyone else here?" he asks gesturing to the empty rose garden littered with dead roses and broken bits of a bench and podiums.

"There is a group of people inside that castle that I would rather talk to than you." He chuckles and his lips settle in a smug grin. "What?"

"Nothing," he mumbles as he shakes his head. That damn grin is still there.

"Don't start that just tell me what's so funny," I snap.

"If you go and speak to them this is what's going to happen: Charles is going to walk away because he won't care. Amelie will interrupt you multiple times with either a question or an exaggerated reaction. Miss Potts will tell you that you're being rude and complaining to other people when you should just solve your problems by yourself. Oh, and Fabienne and Maurie will just try to analyze the situation and provide advice."

"Don't people usually want advice when they're struggling with something?"

"Usually, but I'm guessing it's been one of those days when you don't need advice or big reactions. You just want someone to sit there quietly and listen."

Thorn in the Rose {Book 1 Of The Once Upon A Time Chronicles}Where stories live. Discover now