Crimson Trailer

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"My mother used to tell me stories about our home, Remnant. She used to say that remnant was full of people and faunas that cared for one another. She also told me about the huntsman and huntresses and how they protected others. How they served justice to anyone who did wrong. What a load of BS. If that was so true, where were they when I needed saving? Hmmp, I don't need them now. If they can't give people the justice they deserve then I will. I'll deal out justice my way, whether they like it or not." 

It was a normal night in the city of Vale. Cars went up and down the streets, few fanuas and humans walked the sidewalks, very few shops were still open, and the broken moon shined in the night sky. The camera then pans to a young teenage women walking down the street by herself. As she was walking, she felt like she was being followed. And followed she was because behind her were a small group of faunus(4 to 5 to be exact). The young women then began to pick up the pace and as she did so did the faunas. It wasn't long before she took a full sprint to get away from the group of faunus. But unfortunate for her, one of the faunas was a cheetah and he easy caught up with her. Once in his hands, he dragged her to the nearby alleyway, where his fellow faunus followed.

Young Women:*thrashing around*Let go! Let go of me!

Bull Faunus: It's no use yelling. No's gonna come.

Young Women: What do you want from me! I didn't even do anything to you!

Horse Faunus: Maybe not you, but you dear old daddy did.

Young Women: What?

Cheetah Faunus: Your dad's Judge Wilson right? Well, your old man put our friend in prison for something he didn't do.

Young Women: What does that have to do with me?!

Frog Faunus: Oh it has everything to do with you.

Dog Faunus: You see, we are going to use you as an example to show not to mess with us faunus.

Young Women: No, please let me go! I'll give you whatever just let me go!

The group of faunus all look at each other and they all think the same thing which makes the young women realize what they are about to do. She begins to thrash around again, but she couldn't break free from the Cheetah faunus's hands. Moving forward, the bull faunus grabs the young women shirt and rips it open, letting her breast bounce outward.

Frog Faunus: Woah! Check out those titts!

The young women looks away, but her face grabbed by the bull faunus, making her look at his face.

Young Women:*in tears*P..Please, let me go. I don't want to lose my v-card like this.

Bull Faunus: Don't worry sweetheart, I'll be first.*light chuckle*

The bull faunus then takes ahold of her skirt and tears it off, revealing her panties.

Young Women:(Please Oum, someone, anyone, help me.)

Almost answering her prayer, something breaks one of the street lamps in the alley making everyone stop.

Frog Faunus: The hell?

Suddenly another one gets broken, then another one, then another one, then another open. At this point the cheetah faunus lets go of the young women as him and his fellow faunus look around for whoever is messing with them. The Frog faunus then spots the shape of someone and walks over to them.

Frog Faunus: Hey! What's the!?

Before he could get his final words out, he's attacked by something, making him release a scream. The other faunus look towards were the frog faunus was, but couldn't see anything. The dog tries to sniff out what's in the shadow's, but the only thing he could smell was blood. Suddenly the frog faunus was thrown at the cheetah faunus, making the both of them fall to the ground. The horse faunus tries to make a move, but something blitzes by him and he knocks him out. The bull faunus then tries to make a move, but he feels a strong pain in one of his legs. Feeling the back of his leg, he brings his finger to his face to see blood on them. In anger, he slams his fist to the ground and looks towards the shadows.

Bull Faunus: You damned coward! Is this how you face me!? Stop hiding and fight me like a man!

For a few short minutes, the only thing that could be heard was silence. Then a male voice spoke.

???: Man? You are no man.

The bull faunus grits his teeth and rushes towards the shadow's voice and tries to punch it, but he stumbles to the ground as he hits nothing.

???: What's wrong? Can't hit him?

Again the bull faunus tries to swing towards the shadows, but once again hits nothing. He then does this over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. As he does, the voice in the shadows continues to taunt him, pissing the bull faunus off as he does. This went on for at least 10 minutes before the bull faunus was exhausted. As the faunus fell to one knee, the sound of footsteps could be heard coming towards him. When the bull faunus looked up to see who had been taunting him, his eyes widen in shock. Right in front of him was a young teenage boy, about the age of 16. He had spiky black hair with crimson highlights and silver eyes. He wore a grey coat with the symbol a rose on top of a crimson hooded sweatshirt, dark grey pants, and black boots. On his waist was a strap that was connected a sheath that holds a katana. The boy just stares at the bull faunus as he stands above him.

Bull Faunus:

The boy goes to reach for his katana, but he catches a glimpse of the young women who was watching everything unfold behind a trashcan. In a quick motion, the silver eyed boy knocks the bull faunus. Turning to the young women, he grabs a sheet that was laying on the ground and places it on her.

Young Boy: Get out of here and go find the police and tell them what happened here. 

As the young boy turns away from her, she calls out to him.

Young Women: W..Wait! Who, Who are you?

Young Boy: Me? I'm just a rose with sharpened thorns.

With those final words, the young boy walks back into the shadows, disappearing from sight.

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