• T H I R T Y F O U R •

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Riele heaved a sigh as she tore her phone away from her right ear and softly threw it to her bed from her place on a russet-colored beanbag across her bed. She took a glance at her wristwatch and blinked.

5:20 P.M.

She had about fourty minutes before meeting up with Ryan. “Finally,” She breathed, looking out her window to the peacefully calming sight of birds flying by; probably enjoying the atmosphere or returning to their various homes. The soft light rays from the once beaming sun found its path through her window and illuminated her bed which weren’t far from the window, giving the sheets an appeasing glow.

Riele peeled herself from the beanbag and circled herself around her bed to stand before her window. Her opaque figure now blocked the rays as her shadow was casted on the wall opposite the window. She sat on her windowsill as she pondered over the situation at hand. She was finally going to meet Ryan after wanting to do that a couple of months ago. Though her heart didn’t want to, her mind had always thought of Ryan every chance it had.

She didn’t feel comfortable infront guys accept her father of course, after what happened a few years ago. Then Ryan came into the picture. He changed everything—okay that was an over exaggeration. But he did make her comfortable talking to a guy. Though she hasn’t seen him yet, she could tell they had something special. Not the intimate kind of special as her heart had told her a few times, but the platonic kind of special. His voice brings a smile to her face every damn time and she couldn’t get enough. She just wanted to see him already.

Then reality downed. What was she going to tell him? What was she going to say. Hi? No. That would look so simple. Hey there? Definitely not. I really wanted to meet you? Absolutely not. That would look so desperate. Okay now. She should really stop now. If there’s one thing she has learned from life is to sometimes leave things as they are and let fate decide. She shouldn’t get nervous over meeting Ryan. I mean, come on! It’s just Ryan. The dickhead who she has come to know a little over some phone calls.

And she definitely shouldn’t be worrying on what to say. Besides, he was the one expected to do most of the talking—explaining actually. She needed to know how he came to know about her, though it’s not much information. But a guy certainly doesn’t just magically know where a girl lives, given the fact they haven’t met in person. And he has supposedly seen her too but refused to make himself known, as if he was hiding something.

Riele also didn’t want to believe her theory that Ryan was her stalker. Even the thought made her giggled hard, feeling the rumbles erupt from her chest as her arms were crossed across her slender chest. She believed no one would actually stalk her considering her looks. Just look at her. Even a blind couldn’t miss the fact she wasn’t that appealing to the eyes, as she believed. But enough with her chastising herself. She needed to get ready to meet Ryan. It wouldn’t be nice to keep him waiting.

She decided to settle for a yellowy floral dress that provided her the real December evening vibes and some flats. The dress seems to pop out her already popped, dark brown doe eyes. She grabbed her little white bag from her well-polished wooden study table before bending over to grab her phone from her bed. Her movements are put to a halt when she spots her wild, untamed hair in the mirror pasted on her headboard. Damn. Just when she was about to step out.

She fast-walked to her vanity table and grabbed her hairbrush. She tied her hair in a tight Afro bun with one of her shoe laces, leaving two bangs to fall on her forehead. There. She was all set to get to that park.

Her nervousness came back with full force as she gradually neared the park. The walk was fairly nice. The dying sun’s rays wasn’t as harsh as it was when it was high in the sky. And the colors combination just added to the tranquility. The sky was chilling in pools of orange and red as Riele strolled under it, thinking if Ryan was just as nervous as she was.

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