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Riele | | Ryan

10:51 am, Incoming call~~

Dickhead Ryan~~~

Answer| | Decline


“Rise and shine, sleepyhead!”

“Can you be less lousy when you just woke someone from their dreamland?”

“Were you dreaming of our future wedding and kids?”

“Hmm. . . something close to that. Just replace the wedding with cotton candy and the kids with ice cream.”

“Even when you just woke up, your brain comes up with the best replies. How do you do it?”

“Awe. I wouldn’t want to brag, but it comes naturally. My brain functions perfectly even when asleep.”

“Good job in not wanting to brag. Bravo!”

“My pleasure. And since you just woke me up, entertain me while I freshen up.”

“Seriously? Like you’ll be bathing while I talk?”

“Uh-huh. Start please. I’m about to brush.”

“What if I start imagining. . .things?”

“Then that’s between you and your brain.”

“. . . .”

“Hello? Are you still there? Say something.”

[Ends call]

Hahahaha. Easily fooled.

* * * * *

11:10 am, Incoming call~~

Angelic Stalker~~~

Answer | | Decline


“You’re really a coward.”

“It’s not that. I just left to handle something.”

“You mean the blue balls? You literally just chickened out on me.”

“I never imagined anything so why would I get the blue balls?”

“Why did you hang up then?”

“To handle something.”

“Suit yourself. But to save you the stress, I wasn’t about to to bathe. I was eating breakfast at the time and thought of pulling your leg.”

“. . . .”

“Cat caught your tongue?”

“Are you down for a game?”

“Which game?”

“Complete the poem.”

“You just made that up.”

“Correct. I’m pretty talented if you ask me.”

“I won’t ask you then.”

“Your loss though.”

“Nothing much to lose. How does this game go anyways?”

“I’m gonna start with one line of my made-up poem and you’re gonna continue the next line so it rhymes. Okay?”

“Yea cool.”

“Here it goes. Roses are red. . .”

“Violets are blue. . .”

“Sugar is sweet. . .”

“And so are you.”

“Wow! That was so good!”


“Here’s another one. Roses are red. . .”

“Here’s something new. . .”

“Violets are violets. . .”

“Umm. . .Not freakin’ blue!”

“That was lit, baby.”

“Couldn’t agree more. Another one. Roses are red. . .”

“Sunflowers are yellow. . .”

“And you better agree. . .”

“You little fellow. ”

“We did it again! I must agree, this is fun.”

“Another. This is gonna be a little harder. Gotta think.”

“Tell that to yourself. I’m very creative. I score an A+ every time in creative writing.”

“We’ll see about that. Here it goes. My heart feels so heavy with all of this guilt. . .”

“Is that a sorry poem? Who heart did you break again?”

“Oh geez! You just messed up my thinking. Let’s start again and no interruptions from your side, okay?”

“Okay. Start again.”

“My heart feels heavy with all of this guilt. . .”

“I broke all the promises that my words built. . .”

“I know it was my fault—no, scratch that. I know it was my mistake and no one else’s. . .”

“What rhymes with else’s. . .oh I got it! I just wish you could give me a few more chances.”

“We’re so good at this!”

“Yea seriously. I think we should receive an Oscar award for this.”

“Couldn’t be more right.”

“Talk to you later? Got to go.”

“Wait a sec—”

[Ends call]

And she hangs up yet again.

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