• T W E N T Y F I V E •

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Riele | | Ryan

1:57 am, Incoming call~~

Dickhead Ryan~~~

Answer | | Decline


“Is your father a thief? ‘Cause it seems he stole the stars and put it in your eyes.”

“Something must be wrong with your head. You have neither called nor picked my calls for the  past two days and then you called suddenly at this time to repeat the same lines you said some days ago. Like literally ever single word.”

“Is it? I think that’s the wrong one.”

“You think?”

“And keep your voice low. Your voice is making my brain cells go berserk. Literally.”

“If you take that as me yelling, then you don’t want to hear me yell. And on the contrary, it’s you who is yelling.”

There must be something wrong with my eyes—I can’t seem to take them off of you.”

“There is definitely something wrong with your eyes. It’s almost two in the morning. Let me sleep peacefully for Heaven’s sake.”

“You want to sleep in the middle of the afternoon? How childish.”

“Just go to sleep and take some advil when sun rises. You’re wasted, drunken dickhead.”

“You always know. How?”

“Pretty observant, knucklehead. It’s hardly unnoticeable.”

“If there was an Oscar award for being feisty and foul-mouthed, I’d surely handed it to you.”

“You have such a good memory for a drunk person, don’t you now?”

“If you must say so yourself. And for the record, I sel—”

“—seldom get wasted, you know. Must have slipped.”

“Are you a magician now, Angel?”

“Yes. Wanna see a trick?”


“There’s a little red button on your phone. Just tap it and my voice will magically disappear. Poof!”

“I don’t like that trick. I don’t want your voice to disappear. And magician Angel?”


“Can I trust you with a secret?”

“That depends if the secret is secret-worthy.”

“I’m sure it is.”

“Then let your mind be untold.”

“Don’t tell my mom I snuck out.”

“What! Are not home?”

“At least that’s what it seems like. For all we know, I could be dreaming.”

“Oh Lord Jesus. It’s literally two in the morning right now. Find your way back home.”

“There’s a little problem. I might have forgotten the way back.”

“Where are you?”

“A bar.”

“Which one?”

“Midnight till Dawn.”

“Stay where you are. I’m on my way. And I have absolutely no clue how I’m gonna recognize you.”

[Ends call]

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