The Valiant Part 2

Start from the beginning

"A woman in you position should really watch what she says."

"Why because you're a threat?!" That's all I needed to say for him to swing at me. I dodged his blow and ran in the direction of Arthur's chambers. Valiant didn't bother following me which was a relief. At the door to Arthur's chambers, I calmed down before I would enter. Merlin rushed out of the chambers with tears threatening to fall. Arthur was embarrassed and sacked Merlin. He blamed Merlin for humiliation. He claimed that he needed a servant he could trust and told Merlin to get out of his sight. Merlin walked out passed me. Now completely angry from the day's events, I stormed inside Arthur's room.

"Really, Arthur? You know how Valiant is and you can't blame Merlin for that." He looked at me. His manner was calm, but his eyes deceived him. "You saw what he did to me. You saw the snake bites on Sir Ewan's neck. He told you about the snake before he passed out again. And Valiant came at me again because he felt threatened that the truth might come out. Please, don't blame Merlin for the mess Valiant created." He stared at me and I realized I was out of line. Arthur is a prince not a friend and I needed to start treating him like one. "I'm sorry your highness, I forgot who I was talking to. I won't spare you anymore embarrassment," I laced with anger.

"Alex..." I was already out the door. Merlin and I were furious, but we needed a plan. If no one believed us and Arthur was still going to fight, then we needed to find a way to expose Valiant. Merlin disappeared. I guess he needed to cool off steam because he did get sacked. I was looking through the spell book to find anything helpful. After an half hour or so, Merlin rushed back in the room.

"I just spoke with the Great Dragon," he said.

"Did he give you any advice to help us?"

"We'll not exactly. See he said that I'm one side of a coin and Arthur is the other. Our paths cross and align, so he's still stuck with me."

I realized Merlin needed the confirmation that this new life wasn't over so quick, "Well young warlock," I joked, "Let's start practicing this spell I found. It makes objects come to life." Merlin went out in the square to find an animal object for us to use. He came back with a statute of a Rottweiler. For the rest of the night we recited that same spell and nothing happened. I had fallen asleep and Merlin's eyes kept shutting. Merlin recited the spell one more time even though he was practically asleep. The big dog was barking and licking my face. Immediately Merlin and I were up.

"It worked!!" I exclaimed. "Oh no, Arthur!!" I hopped up from the floor and darted out the room. Merlin closed the door before the dog could escape. Gaius looked confused because Merlin and I ran without saying anything, but Arthur's life depended on Merlin's spell. The fight had already began when Merlin and I arrived. So far Arthur had the upper end. Sir Valiant fell to the ground and his helmet rolled off his head. Arthur the good knight he is removed his helmet also. They started fighting again. The backstabbing knight grew more aggressive.

"Merlin you must wait for the perfect moment. Arthur's neck is now visible and Valiant can use the snakes to strike," I said. He nodded in agreement. Sir Valiant had Arthur pinned against a wall. Now I'm getting nervous. But Camelot's hero pushed Valiant off himself. When there was enough space between Arthur and the other knight, Merlin casted the spell. Sir Valiant's snakes came out of the shield. Arthur had no sword and the snakes charged at him. Lucky Morgana threw him a sword she had near her. Arthur beheaded both snakes and now the duel was a fight to the death. Swords clashed until Arthur stabbed Valiant through his chest. The audience cheered for their prince and he looked to the crowd. Merlin's and I hugged each other out of relief. Arthur started to make his way around the arena until he locked eyes with me. I wanted to look away, but that's the thing about his bright blue eyes they are captivating. Arthur walked towards us and shook Merlin's hand and spared one more glance at me before walking away.

The night ended with a banquet. The King announced his son, the champion. Arthur walked in with the Lady Morgana. As they walked together Merlin quietly said to Gaius and me, "See I told you he gets all the ladies."

"And he owes it all to you two," Gaius said. Morgana walked over to me and dragged me over to meet Guinevere. Arthur walked over to Merlin and said, "Do you believe Morgana? She said she saved me. Like I needed any help." Merlin stayed quiet. Arthur continued, "I wanted to say that I made a mistake and it was unfair to sack you."

"Buy me a drink and we'll call it even."

"Well, I can't really be seen buying drinks for my servant."

"You're servant? You sacked me." Merlin said.

"Now I'm rehiring you. My clothes need washing, my armor needs polishing..." Merlin turned his head towards me with a tiny eye roll. I smiled brightly at him. Everything was back to normal. Merlin and Arthur's friendship was restored. And Camelot is safe from any harm. Although some people still deserve an apology, the night still falls and the day still rises.

The next day I was alone in the physician's chambers. I was very concentrated on making remedies for the following day. There was a wrap at the door.

"Come in," I said. It was Arthur. I was glad everything was back to normal. Things, however, have been weird since Valiant arrived. I learned that Arthur was sensitive instead of that prat we had first met.

He cleared his throat, "I wanted to apologize to you." I was surprised because the prince never had to really apologize. "Valiant was a monster and the way he treated you was unacceptable. I'm sorry I was not there to help you."

I had blocked out the events from Valiant when we were alone. "Thank you, Arthur. I was able to get away from him again just fine. I'm glad you won and gave Merlin his position back." It was quiet. A little awkward, but comforting. I joked, "It's nice to know that somewhere in you there a sensitive prince and not just a silly prat."

He laughed and approached the table where I was. "I don't want you to ever fear telling me something because of our status. You are very intelligent and I wouldn't trust anyone more. You practically beat me at a mace duel. You most certainly have my respect."

"The same goes for you. It would make me happy that you could confine in me. I still think I have to beat you in a sword duel for you to be completely humbled."

"Like that would happen."

"It could." I lightly nudged his shoulder. He watched as I finished up the remedies and put them away. "Don't you have some prince duty to do?" I mocked.

"Actually, yes" He was about to exit, "Alexandra..." I turned toward him. "Thank you."
I stared at the empty door. Arthur cared about me and I cared for him too. What did the Great Dragon mean about our paths being connected and to what extent?

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