Within ten minutes, Regulus was back out in the hall, breathing hard and using the wall to support himself.

James, who was previously leaning against the wall by the window and smoking a cigarette, quickly rushed to Regulus' aid.

"Alright bud...all right now. Deep breaths."

Regulus reached for the lit cigarette in James' hand and James sighed, handing it over. Regulus inhaled and coughed, hitting his chest.

"Don't tell your brother I let you smoke," James ordered quietly.

Regulus inhaled again and blew out a cloud of smoke before handing the cigarette back to James. James took another drag before dropping it outside the window. The rain would extinguish it quickly.

When James turned back to Regulus, the younger boy had his eyes closed and his hands balled up at his side.

"Regulus. Open your eyes."

Regulus shook his head in response, squeezing his eyes shut tighter.

"Reg. You're okay. Open your eyes." James' tone was gentle and he took a step closer to Regulus.

Regulus was shaking like a leaf, eyes squeezed shut and hands balled at his side. His stance was rigid. James' heart ached. 

"Reg. Hey, you're safe. You're okay," James whispered, taking another step closer.

"No. No, no, no," Regulus repeated softly, backing himself up against the wall.

"Regulus. I'm gonna set my hands on your shoulders, okay?"

Regulus didn't answer, but he didn't pull away. James set his hands on Regulus' shoulders, keeping that little bit of pressure there to keep Reg grounded.

Regulus flinched at the contact but relaxed a bit. He kept his eyes closed.
"I don't feel good," he mumbled, grabbing James' shirt suddenly.

"What's wrong Reg? Is it your stomach? Your chest?" James kept his quiet tone, standing firm so Regulus had something to rely on.

Regulus mumbled in response. "I feel...hot," he managed.

It didn't escape James' notice how pale Regulus had grown. Knowing this all too well, James shifted his weight to make his stance for sturdy.

"Okay Reg. Okay. I'm here. You're okay."

Regulus' legs folded under him and he collapsed into James' arms. 

James had enough strength from quidditch to support Regulus' weight as he lowered them both to the ground. Cautiously, he layed Regulus' head on his lap, watching Reg's chest rise and fall.

James brushed the hair off Regulus' forehead and rubbed his hand on Regulus' chest, over his lungs. This stirred Regulus and his eyes slowly fluttered open.

He started to sit up immidiantly but was quickly forced back down by James.

"Easy. Easy," James ordered firmly, keeping his hand in Regulus' chest.
Regulus felt the warmth on his chest, breathing heavily and looking up at the ceiling. "Deep breaths, okay Reg?"

"Okay," Reg managed, taking deep breaths. The color slowly came back to his face and James smiled a bit, laying his head back against the wall.

After a few moments, he allowed Regulus to sit back up. Regulus sat himself against the wall next to James, his cheeks pink.

"Uh...sorry about that," Regulus muttered apologetically.

James sighed. "I used to have them too, Reg."

Regulus jerked his head up from where his eyes were trailed on the floor. "What?"

"Panic attacks. I used to have them too."

Regulus regarded James suspiciously. "You?"

"Yes Reg. They got to a really bad point fifth year. I was afraid to leave the dorm. I haven't had one in a year and a half."

"How?" Regulus asked softly, not looking at James.

"Support from my friends. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone. It gets better. I swear."

"You can't know that," Regulus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

"You're right. But I'll be here when out need help."

"You can't tell anyone about this, James."

"I won't. Your secret is safe with me."

(1200 words. I thought y'all were too good with the fluff;) Have some sad stuff. This kind of hurt to write.

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