" actually, we have some of our newest condos that we've been working on. We have new reconstructed condos, but the price on them isn't the same as the old constructions. One of our realtors can take you for a look, you just have to speak with her and schedule a date, because time slots are very slim right now."

" oh, yeah, I totally forgot that they were doing construction in the building. I would love to see it I was hoping for maybe a three bedroom and I want a kitchen with an the island."

" I know that it is very modern and we have upgraded fridges and stove and counters and I think it does have an island because you know that's what the younger crowd is attracted to such as yourself. It has ceiling to floor windows, unlike the old constructions. They really went big with the construction."

" OK is there anyway that I can schedule a viewing soon or is it going to be a long wait?"

" I can actually transfer the call to the realtor's office."

" OK thank you so much."

" no thank you and I wish you the best on your adventures and your home search. Good luck."

" thank you, bye-bye"

" bye-bye." The Katy Perry fireworks, hold music started to play.


" I am going to get her back for this, there's nothing you can tell me." I shrugged and Kaleb laughed. " stop laughing at me, I am so serious and you know how I am when I get like this."

" yes I do know how you get. That is why it's funny to me because I know you're serious.. I definitely can agree that the shit that she did was way out of line so how you react to that it's on her."

" it just leaves me with unanswer questions as well, if they were messing around how long were they mess around? When did they start? Was it in my home, you know? and I told her all the stories and I cried to her and she still did what she did. That's like me going to her ex-boyfriend as she cried about him getting another girl pregnant and that is low to hit somebody while they're down is ridiculous."

" i've been telling you for years, we all have been telling you for years that she's not a good person. She's all for self. you going to bounce back. for sure." He pulled me in his Arms and held me as we walk.

" if we are not married to anyone by 32 to do you want to get married?" He laughed.

" shouldn't I be asking you that question we had this talk 1 million times. We already talked about this so we're moving it from 35 to 32." I shrugged. " How about 30? Will you marry me at 30 if we aren't married?"

" yes, I don't even care if we're not together I want the engagement party and I want you to pop the question, I just want everything."

" how would you want me to do it?"

" you know how to do stuff like this, just surprise me I think you know me enough to be able to achieve that." He kissed the back my head. " I feel like it would all makes sense, you took my virginity, you were my first pregnancy scare. My only pregnancy scare, you took a lot of my first times in life."

"Yeah." He laughed. " curiosity got that cat killed." I laughed loudly.

" yes, I was like I know this man did not just fuck me like this? I was ready to beat your fucking ass for any littlest things. I did so good at hiding my crazy side. Then, when you told me you had a girlfriend in college, I was contemplating whether to pull up and beating both of y'all the fuck up I swear to God. My mom was in the three-way call with me and Macy and she was screaming at the top of her lungs, don't go down there, do not put your hands on that boy." I mocked her, I shook my head at the memory. "That shit broke my heart. I know we had ended things, but I cannot fathom the thought of you touching on somebody else. But once you get through it, and you start being logical about shit then the process is easier."

" then why you act so happy on the phone. You act like you are happy for me you about to come kill my ass. At first it was just so I could see your reaction but once you act like you didn't care, I really did that shit. Your reaction broke my heart."

" because I didn't realize that you guys had to have sex until I sat back and I over thought the situation. You know how I am it takes me a minute to catch on, but I always catch on. Just the thought of you fucking her like you fucked me that was about to get your tires slashed you were about to be stuck out in the middle of Miami. I was going to go fuck the gators up." We laughed.

" oh, I never fucked her how I fuck you or fucked you should I say. She was a cool girl, but she loved the attention that I gave her and I wasn't rocking with that. It didn't seem sincere after a while. She was just for stalling anyway I would want a female in the place where I plan to live my life and I loved Florida, but that is not where I see myself living life or the rest of my life."

" if you start trying to find a specific wife, tell me before you do it. Because you know me and you know how I am, we have been doing this shit for years, and I feel like it will be easier to commit my life to you, knowing the kind of person you are, and how you love me and you protect me. I have no problem committing to you, well actually let me not lie because I would've been did it but I feel like I'm in therapy now and I'm working on bettering myself and maybe, me working on my commitment issues would benefit both of us in the future. If I was to let my guard down, I would love for it to be with you." He nodded he rested his hand around my neck..

" I tell you everything and you help me make every choice throughout life so of course you're going to know." I hissed feeling him grip my neck and begin to massage it.

" I am not going to lie to you, you make this no sex thing really hard and I know you do it on purpose. The way you speak to me and the way you touch me is so sensational and you turn me on, and I know that you do it on purpose. You know my weak spots and you go there every time, my head, my neck and my belly and you do it every time." He pulled my ponytail quickly, and it shot a tingly sensation throughout my body.

" I love watching you react, so I do to do it, but you set boundaries and rules that I will always respect." He shrugged.

" stop."

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