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Delicate Female Supporting Role A and Tyrant Male Protagonist O Chapter 13: What is the world of identity?

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"Qiao Mo, what's wrong with you?"

Qiao Mo didn't move for a while, and Jian Luozhi urged him suspiciously.

After confessing his gender to Qiao Mo, Jian Luozhi didn't make a strong A gesture, but revealed a little omega's softness.

For example, at this time, Jian Luozhi was trying to mobilize the few memories in his mind, recalling the social skills of expressing friendship between those omegas in his student days, and asking Qiao Mo to inject him with a pheromone inhibitor.

He likes Qiao Mo very much. If possible, he also hopes that the relationship between the two of them can be more harmonious, so he will restrain a little bit of strength, lest Qiao Mo be unable to change his mind for a while and still be wary of him.

Jian Luozhi's words recalled Qiao Mo, who was distracted.

Looking at Jian Luozhi who was lying on the bed with narrow shoulders and slender waist, Qiao Mo secretly bit her lip, forcing herself to put away her messy thoughts and walked to Jian Luozhi's side.

Jian Luozhi looks very uncomfortable and needs help now. Now is not the time for her to search for the source of those strange feelings.

Qiao Mo sat by Jian Luozhi's side, the mysterious fragrance became stronger, causing Qiao Mo's mind to float.

She couldn't help but feel agitated. She felt that Jian Luozhi's handsome and cold face was charming, and her naked neck was slender and seductive. She unconsciously stretched out her fingertips...

Jian Luozhi trembled uncontrollably, he grabbed Qiao Mo's wrist, blushing almost dripping blood, his voice was unsustainably hoarse, and the ending was a trembling chord: "Enough... Enough, Qiao Mo, hit Just go in."

Qiao Mo's fingertips unconsciously pressed the glands on his neck, and the cold fingertips touched the swollen glands lightly or hard, making Jian Luozhi's thoughts more and more chaotic, as if gold exploded in front of him. Hua, the body bowed unconsciously.

He thought it was because he suddenly revealed his gender, Qiao Mo couldn't believe it, so he unconsciously wanted to verify, so he touched his glands rudely.

At first, Jian Luozhi wanted to endure it, but the sourness of his glands made him almost lose control.

He choked up gently to stop Qiao Mo and let Qiao Mo get the injection sooner, otherwise it would be really late.

"Sorry, Mr. Jane."

Qiao Mo came back to her senses, she didn't know why she was so rude just now, and she didn't look like herself anymore.

Just when Jian Luozhi asked her to have an injection, she suddenly found that a little bit of skin on the side of Jian Luozhi's neck seemed a little wrong, so she couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

This touch was out of control, as if the skin on the side of Jian Luozhi's neck had some kind of magic power, so she couldn't help but stretch out her fingertips to repeatedly crush and grind.

Jian Luozhi grabbed her hand, and Qiao Mo's mind was completely restored.

She gently pressed Jian Luozhi's shoulder and said softly, "Mr. Jian, don't be afraid, you can bear the pain, I will lighten it when I get the injection."

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