Nineteen || Brylan

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Zipping my jacket all the way up, I was gravely disappointed to realize that it actually gets cold over here

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Zipping my jacket all the way up, I was gravely disappointed to realize that it actually gets cold over here. As stupid as it sounds a part of me assumed it would be blazing hot at all times. I guess that's a lame assumption given the fact that it's December.

'Here let me put it down.' Damon places the picnic basket to the side so I can give him one of the blankets.

Spreading it across the ground I'm holding a couple pillows. He was very pushy with bringing blankets and pillows even though I was reluctant. The inside of the apartment was warm so I assumed it would also be warm outside since I was unaware that Damon was turning on the heater after a certain time to keep me from freezing.

Tapping the empty space besides him to signal for
me to sit down. It's so breezy outside. Which is fair since the sun is barely up. Damon wanted to come here before sunrise so we could watch it. That choice came at the expense of our warmth since I'm pretty much shaking. I can tell he's also cold because it's showing on he's cheeks. The small blush he's been getting when he's cold has decided to reappear again.

Noticing me shaking he pulls me in so I'm between his legs. Propping up the pillows behind his back, he pulls the second blanket on top of us which helps a lot actually. There's no one around so I don't feel embarrassed or watched so I allow myself to relax. We're the only ones here and Damon said that would be the case.

I thought it would be a little weird for him to assume no one would be at a beach besides us but the question answered itself when we arrived. To actually get onto the beach you need to walk through a wooded erea with no path. It was pretty dark so I was confused on how Damon even knew where to walk. The sky begun to brighten up as we trekked through so everything became clearer in due time.

Apparently this place was found by the soccer team a couple years ago. They punched in 'beach' on the GPS and it took them here. Confused when it took them to a bed of trees, they followed the GPS regardless and ended up finding it. Not even a few months later it was taken off the system so it won't pop up anymore if you even tried. It claims there's nothing behind the trees.

Apparently some kid found it and slipped, hitting his head on a rock. Since barely anyone knew about this place his body was found hours later. He survived but they didn't want anyone doing the same thing and they removed it. No lifeguard or witnesses is a recipe for disaster.

The soccar team took it as an advantage to have a beach to themselves and they made a pact to never tell anyone else. It stayed between them but Tegan and Leo ended up telling Sophia, Benji and Damon. I doubt they're the only players who told others since no one really goes here but that's how Damon knows. I understand the teams perspective. I'd gatekeep this beach if I knew about it. It's beautiful.

The water is almost clear and the sand is practically white. When we were walking up the cliff I picked up a handful and each piece was so perfectly shaped, it's as if this beach was hand crafted and gently placed down. It's also relatively flat except the higher you trek up the left hand side, it inclines up a cliff. According to Damon people jump off it for fun but they're some spaces which are flat on the rock so you can just sit down. That's where we are right now, watching the sun begin to rise.

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