Percy Jackson, Jesse Tuck, and the morality of immortality (George is there too)

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Btw quick (a/n) since I stopped using they/them pronouns completely since I started writing this chapter Tater starts using he/him pronouns as well. Sorry for any possible confusion I'm just more comfortable since it's technically a self-insert ( (as if the entirety of everything isn't confusing lol)

this chapter is very long ;-; massive L lol


Tater and George stood in the middle of the room with weapons out, clearly showing that an epic battle was going to happen.

Tater: Just give me the pen and I'll let you go George

George: Never! Tater, just think about what we could do together, what we could accomplish! We could be the most powerful people in this entire universe, and you want to give it up for your friends?

Tater: They're better friends than you'll ever be you son of a- *yells out of frustration* No! No! No! Ughhhhhh *snaps his fingers*

The world around Tater disappears, slowly reappearing as a study. Tater sits at a desk, writing something in a very fancy journal.

Tater: Ughhhhhhhh *faceplants on the desk* Why is this stupid finale so hard to write????

What if George travels to the past, and you have to go stop him?

Tater: Nah, that's boring.

What if you started a war and had to fight in it?

Tater: Didn't we already do that? Plus, that feels a bit insensitive now.

What if George tries to find the spring from Tuck Everlasting, and-

Tater: Nah, that already- What's that?

What's what? The spring? So, in the book Tuck-

Tater: No, *points outside* the storm. It's supposed to be sunny today.


Tater: And why aren't you narrating?

Uh, plot purposes?

Tater: What?


Tater: Narrator voice? Samantha? This can't be good... *writes something down and stands up* George? This is just an exaggeration at this point, this is my home, and we had a deal! *looks back at his journal, and finds it missing*

George! What the hell? If you're going to be a little *BEEP* at least don't be a *BEEP*ing coward about- *notices something on the ceiling*

oh *BEEP*


Meanwhile, downstairs...

Micha: Where's Tater?! If this stupid "finale" is so important to him, why isn't he showing up??

Jack: Maybe he went to Santa Fe :D

Grace: Micha's right, he's usually the one bothering us to do dares, why isn't he here?

I haven't seen him all morning (liar >:P)

Kath: You're the narrator, shouldn't you know everything in the story?

Uhhhhhhhhh, yea??? But like, what if I didn't, for plot purposes *jazz hands*

Kath: How did you just do jazz hands out loud- nevermind

Race: I wouldn't mind if he died

Romeo: *already has a detective outfit on* Prime suspect- Racetrack H something

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