"It was the Pokémon poster, wasn't it?" I laugh. "You didn't want anyone else to know you're obsessed with Pikachu. I get it."

His eyes narrow, a playful warning dancing behind them. "Leave Pikachu out of this. And don't hate on my poster, Tink."

"Not hating," I shake my head. "I actually find it pretty cute."

"Cute? Pikachu isn't cute. He's an electrical powerhouse, baby. I mean, he has the strength of a lightning strike."

"Okay," I smile, trailing my fingers gently along his ribs. "He's not cute. But your obsession with him is."

"I'm going to ignore that you just said that."

The small laugh that rattles my chest has him pressing against me. "Would you rather I said it's utterly sexy and domineeringly masculine that you enjoy the world of a small yellow creature?"

He drops his head to my chest. "You're killing me, Tink."

"Okay," I laugh, pulling him back up to me. "For real, why haven't you brought a girl in here before?"

He shrugs, his eyes flicking back and forth between mine. "There was always family around."

"I've been here for three days and we already have the place to ourselves. Try again."

That smile of his falls along my chest, lighting it up. "I don't know. It's just... I guess it's my space, you know? Bringing someone here, it kind of taints it," he winces slightly, his choice of words making him hesitate. "I just mean, this place was all mine, you know? Is all mine. My place to just be. Bringing someone here would have meant building memories with them in a place that's just...mine." He pauses for a moment, the unease in his voice causing me to pull my hand from his shirt, placing it gently to his face.

"So..." My eyebrows raise with curiosity. "What made you change your mind about letting me in your space? You don't think I'll taint it?"

He leans into my hand, holding my eyes with a tenderness that makes my insides melt. "You could never taint it, Tink. You're making it better. And besides, I like you in here, marking your territory." He reaches beside my head and pulls up a long strand of blonde hair I must've shed on his pillow. "Making it smell like strawberries and leaving your DNA all over the place."

"Sorry about that," I laugh. "Girls shed everywhere."

"I've noticed," he grins.

I nestle back into the soft comforter. "So, this is my territory, huh? That's what you're saying?"

"All yours," he nods, dropping his mouth back to my neck, pulling my skin between his teeth, surely leaving a mark. "And you," he breathes out, sucking hard enough to elicit a small moan, "are all mine."

"You marking your territory, Gray?" I pull at his hair, bringing his eyes back to mine.

"Maybe. Is that okay with you?"

Normally, the thought of a love bite would have me burning with embarrassment, swirling with anger. Thing is, I've never actually had one. Anytime it ever came close, I pushed back, making sure as hell nothing was left on my skin. But now, staring up at Grayson Adler, I don't want him to stop. I want him to take all that's his.

I nod slowly, sliding my fingers through his hair and bringing his lips back to that tender spot along my neck.

The way he pulls my skin between his lips has me reaching for his back, digging my fingers into the grooves of muscle as my legs wrap around him, bringing his hardened length to the pulsing desire between my legs. He pushes into me, adding the needed friction, a whispered gasp leaving my throat.

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