Ch.8 Secret Thrower

Start from the beginning

Izuku settled near back and powered up to 10%, there was no reason to put too much effort in this tournament. "So Erasurehead what do you think of this first bout between these youngsters?" asked Present Mic with giddy voice that echoed throughout the stadium. "A decent beginning to give the students a warmup, but it's far too easy for the Hero Students. I don't know what's the point of having the other courses participate. It's always just the hero students that make it to the end." said Aizawa with a bored and uninterested tone as he sipped on a juice box.

Izuku clenched his fist and in silence he walked backwards until he was ten feet behind the guy in the farthest. Izuku then fell in sprinter stance and powered up to 45%, he now had a new goal besides the one he has. He was going to humiliate Aizawa as well, he's had enough of that annoying hobo. "Uh, what's that students doing?" asked Mic with confusion. "Probably already gave up." clarified Aizawa.

"Now let's get this show on the road!" shouted Midnight as an racing stoplight started to count down above the tunnel. A loud ringing echoed in the stadium as the light turned green. Immediately everyone in front started to fight through the tunnel, but Izuku waited. A dual haired boy froze the floor trapping most of the students besides the hero courses, but Izuku waited. As the Hero Students arrived to the first obstacle Izuku rocketed out of the tunnel and in a blur a dozen 1 and 2 pointers were obliterated into nothing but scarps. While he was dashing he grabbed Ochaco and placed her from 30th to 10th before he continued to run.

Izuku passed Bakugo and Shoto, causing the latter to scoff and the former to scream insults. "Oh Damn this kid is fast, he went from last place to first in a literal second. Who is this? Let's see.... aha this is Izuku Midoriya of the General Education course in Class D." Aizawa didn't say anything as he recognized the boy from both the entrance exam and that time in the cafeteria. "He'll fail in this first obstacle anyway so it doesn't matter what his name is." said Aizawa.

Izuku shattered another 2 pointer and took it's shielded hand slinging on his shoulder as he kept running. The zero pointers emerged from the ground blocking Izuku's path but instead of slowing down, Izuku kept running at the titans of machinery with a determined glare. A zero pointer punched down aiming to hit Izuku but Izuku jumped and scaled up the arm in a sprint. As he approached the shoulder he jumped and tossed the sheet of metal like a javelin, the makeshift javelin tore through the head of the zero pointer like butter.

Izuku then bounced off the zero pointer using it as an take off point and clearing the first obstacle. Izuku dropped down to 5% in his run as he wanted to make this a little more interesting. Izuku reached the second obstacle and slowly started to go along the line making a show to the crowd. To the crowd he was just being a showman to any hero it was a obvious slap in the face to UA, 'I don't even need to try against your hero course.' As Izuku reached the second set of lines he could hear explosions behind him followed by loud profanity. "YOUR MINE DEKU!"

Izuku jumped off the rope and wrapped his two hands on the line, he then pulled on the line making it go down with him. He released his pull on the line making it go up launching him in the air at Bakugo. Bakugo not prepared for this tried to stop himself but instead was met with a dropkick to the cheek by Izuku almost knocking out the walking explosion but instead launched him back to the beginning of the second obstacle.

As he was falling back down Izuku saw a good majority of the hero course students on two of the first lines. He smirked as he redirected himself with a air flick heading towards them. Izuku landed on the first one knocking off everyone on it, he then kicked in the direction of the second one sending a air slash that cut the line eliminating everyone on that one as well. He scanned the area seeing Ochaco on the third island and smiled as charged to 20% and started bounding between each island racing to the final obstacle.

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