•'¯'•» chapter 18 «•'¯'•

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At the airport, where you and Yuuto waiting for her off course you told the coaches you picking up someone you knew when yourself and Yuuto becomes assassins.

Yuuto groans "Where is she? I'm hungry here!"

"Yuuto stop whining already you know how she is; she wants to make a grand entrance like you." You bluntly said to Yuuto which Yuuto pouts at you when you compare her with him.

The girl that you and Yuuto are picking up is first girl who own motorcycle gang not before she uses to be in the military at age of 15 (when she got out of the place where she used to be held in with you and Yuuto at) but don't be fooled by her looks she can end you if piss her off but she is like yourself and Yuuto but she only gets information from other gangs and mafia around the world. Her name is Isamu Smith.

Speaking of the devil and she shall appear...

"Heyyy guys!" Isamu spoke in English but you and Yuuto understood her. "It's been so long has it, y/n and Yuuto look at you both still sexy and handsome I see." She winks at the both of us.

"Yo Isamu, been a while. How's those motorcycle gangs been?" Yuuto asked.

"You know how they are been them." Isamu said "But, I heard that y/n is a manager in a boys volleyball team, right." Isamu looks at you with her green eyes.

"Yes, I am I presume you heard it from either Yuuto himself or Hebi." You exclaim to her.

She smirk knowingly as she then jumps up to you and hugs you "This is why I love you y/n, you so smart."

"Wow okay sure leave me hanging guys." Yuuto rolls his eyes at you and Isamu.

"Not my fault Yuuto that your dumb." Isamu grins at him while grins.

Yuuto grins back "Whatever, besides let's go. I'm sure y/n-chan boys don't want us here longer." Yuuto grab Isamu bag as we walk to the car as we went inside.

"So, y/n you told them about our past well yours and Yuuto." Isamu said. You look away from the window as we drive away from the airport to go to the camp for Isamu to train them all after all she is the oldest out of us.

"Hmm yes I told them about our past but I didn't tell them fully how we meet you though, they only know Yuuto."

"Yeah, but it's funny of their reaction they thought we gonna kill them." Yuuto said in front of us. You roll your eyes at him but you did find it funny though.

"I would love to see that. But is that why you called me?" Isamu said.

"I called so you can train them only defence, after all your good at defence not like myself, Yuuto, and some others." You said to her.

"I know but that's not the only reason am I right." Isamu said knowingly.

You off course turn to face the window, "It's time to end this once and for all with him." You said inside the car is scary aura even the driver in front felt it and felt the shiver down their spine.

"Can't wait for that to happen!" Isamu excitedly said with sadistic glee in her green eyes. Yuuto grins sadistically as for you well you can't wait to kill him after all he did cause a lot of things and you and some others did change and help other mafia and gangs.

 *°.*° ////////////////////////////////////////////////// °*.°*

Author-san: Here's chapter 18 guys!

Now you met this new character Isamu Smith

Fact about Isamu:

She similar to you and Yuuto but she older and have experience in combat and defence
She older so similar age to the third years with volleyball teamShe a lesbian She leader of her own motorcycle gang which is called 'Onikisu' which means The Onyx
Her name mean brave

See you guys in the next chapter 🤗

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