•'¯'•» chapter 8 «•'¯'•

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You going with the Inarizaki volleyball teams to Kita house, you observe them after all they saw you kill the man who wants you back again, you were lost in thought as you can't help to think back when you become an assassin.


You were 7 years old when you and your parents going to a trip (how exciting) you were excited for the trip with your parents but what you don't know is that your parents are going to leave you then you thought.

As you and your parents were at the destination you have sparkles in e/c eyes as you look around you. Your mother gives a look of disgust but you didn't think much of it as you were busy looking around while your father couldn't wait to leave you and the women (yes, your parents are shitty) until you saw your mum and dad talking with a guy who looks older and have tattoo around his arms, were discussing something.

"We sell you our child -points at you- do whatever with them. I don't want that thing and I don't want to look after it either." Whisper your mother to the guy who was looking at you then look back to your shit parents.

The guy nod at them as they have happy in their eyes, but as for you weren't sure whats going on? You just stop looking around the place you look back where your parents should be as they just vanish as you look around of where they are you hear someone calling your name thought it be your parents, as you turn around you face the same guy who was talking with your parents before.

"Hello y/n you're staying with me." The guy said with monotone voice as he stares at you. You then shake your head and reply "B-but what about my parents."

"They don't want you anymore, they said you're a nuisance and a mistake."

You mind went blank when the guy said that but you thought your parents love you and cares for you, why is it happening to you? Why you? As the guy then drag you to train you as an assassin.

"I'm going to make you into assassin to kill for my bidding." The guy said to himself but you heard don't know what it means.

And that is how the hell began, your suffering, your pain, your emotions and your first kill as the guy have a smirk on his face as you were 12 years old as he said to his men "Killing machine they are."

-flashback end-

Your e/c eyes went blank when you remember the torture and your parents sell you to that horrid man.

Suna looks at you as eyes were dull as Kita saw this he then spoke up "Is something wrong? Umm..."

You snap back as you look at Kita and mumbles "L/n Y/n and no."

"I see but let's hurry to treat your wounds."

You nod at him as they all fit in Kita house you look around as you follow the boys into the room and you saw pictures of Kita of him and his younger brother and older sister and grandmother. You then look away from the picture as you sat down.

Awkward silence fills the air as you watch them all but you can tell they felt uncomfortable by your stare but they didn't say anything until Atsumu said "What school ya from?"

"Why do you want to know?" You bluntly say to him. Osamu couldn't help to snicker as he can tell that his twin gets annoyed by your blunt answered with a question.

"Well, ya know what school will from. And it's only far after all we know ya secret." You can't help to look at Atsumu with no reaction as the other boys sweat drop at Atsumu but do look nervous what you will say though.

"If I tell you, you might tell the school about me am I correct." Atsumu tense a bit as you were looking at him intense but not scarier as Kita. "You lot may know my secret because I kill someone doesn't mean anything." You then look away when you said that to all of them until Kita came in with aid kit along with Aran who have snacks and Akagi whose holding drinks. 

"Umm did something happen!?" Akagi said as he looks around the guys.

Kita went to you as he sits beside you, "Where is the injury?" You look at Kita then start to take your top off (don't worry you're in your sports bra if you are a girl for guys your lucky.) The boys couldn't help to blush at your bold move as Akagi said with blush on his face "Y-ya c-can't just do that."

You look at him blankly as you said "Its not like any of you see how guy/girl half naked before." Kita cool down himself as he looks at you and saw where the bleeding is as he saw and saw a thread while you just didn't care at the stare you look forward as Kita then clean the blood of you and say "'m sorry if it hurts."

Kita doing it he notices you didn't flinch even the guys saw this as they look at you as they saw no reaction or no sense of pain at all. You then asked them "I feel like you guys want to say something. Its not like I'm going to kill you."

You saw them flinch a bit when you said kill after all they all witness just kill the man who tries to take you back to him. As Ginjima spoke for the rest "Well all wondering why did ya kill that man?"

You look at the second year who spoke as you answer him "Because he wants me back to -spat with disgust of thinking of him- him."

"Who is that him?" You look at Osamu who said it as you stare of nothing as Kita stich of where you been shot. 

"No one of importance." As they felt sinister aura as they shiver even Kita himself, you then calm your deadly aura away as Kita done you then put your shirt on and then stand up. "Thank you for treating my wounds. Now I will have to take my leave."

"Huh ya can't just leave we need to know after what we just saw."

You stop as you turn around and saw Atsumu standing, "What is there to explain?" you tilt your head to the side as you saw at him. "I don't think its any of your concern senpai. Now if you excuse me, I will take my leave. -mumble- we will see each other until next time." You then head out as you go get your stuff and your motorcycle as you get to the alleyway you saw the dead body is gone as you about to leave the place you then saw a note as you pick it up it says 'well it seems you little y/n need to be taught a lesson but don't worry I will take you back with me one way or the other.'

You crunch the note as sinter aura appears as you really want to murder that man who made you as a monster, your afraid that he will go after to those volleyball players even your boys. You can't let that happen not now, you felt happy with them you don't want to lose them because of your past that is going after you to make you a monster once again.

You left the alleyway and find your motorcycle as you take the bag and to see if everything is there. You drive back to Tokyo because you know the boys keep messaging you and how's your family. 

As you made it to the garage you put everything and clean yourself as whilst change as you message the group. While you take some weapons with just in case.

Kitty cats gc

Simp 3: Y/N!!! When r coming back

Rooster: shut up Yamaoto

His right tho when u be back chibi-chan

Gamer: They be back soon

Rooster: How would u know Kenma

Gamer: They text me

Rooster: KYANMAA

Lev: YAY Y/n coming backkkk

So: Yayyy we miss u

Kai: Why is everyone online

U know Yaku be mad right

Everyone logs off

You shake your head when you read the message and yes you did message Kenma beforehand as you done what you need as you go your car as you drive back to your apartment.  Youhope everything be alright? Hope none of Nekoma boys won't know anything aboutyour wound as you went to bed to close your eyes to be ready for school.

*°.*° ////////////////////////////////////////////////// °*.°*

Kawaii-chan: Yayyy Chapter 8 guys! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and yes this mc have bad past and I'm sorry if you guys might feel uncomfortable 😔

See you in the next chapter! 

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