•'¯'•» chapter 16 «•'¯'•

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You and Yuuto saw the camp in sight as you and him get out of the car, Yuuto grab your hand and hold it to reassure you that you can do it. You return the favour as he smiles at you then let's go of your hand as you both made away inside to see everyone who looked a bit gloomy as you then said "Why so gloomy minna-san?"

Everyone turns and saw you by the door with Yuuto who puts up a peace sign to them in greeting while you just stare at them all with rise of your eyebrow up.

"l/n-san is it true that your assassin." Coach Naoi asked

You look at him as you nod at him saying "yes, since I was eight years old. While Yuuto was nine years old."

Yuuto smiles a bit as you look at them but you then sigh and said "I will tell you everything about our past and why I keep leaving you lot to do things." You saw all of them nod at you as you felt a bit relief as you open your mouth to tell them the story.

-flash back/ past-

Since you were a baby, your parents don't really want to look after you, you were a nuisance a mistake but your parents really don't want their parents or the police for neglecting you (even though they did as you were a bit older)

Moving on as you were 7 years old as your mom shouted "Brat get yourself ready we going on to a trip."

Off course you ignore your mom harsh words when she shouts at you as you got everything you need for this trip but your young self just excited to go to this trip with your parents after all it's been ages since hang out as a family, you never got out because your parents said "The world is too dangerous."

Off course you listen to your parents but you were excited as 7 years old as you made way to the place, you're going you can't feel in awe at the sight as your parents gives you a look of disgust or hatred and annoyance or didn't care.

Your parents leave you didn't bother as they left you there as you follow them quickly as you and your parents come inside the building as off the corner of your eyes you saw them talking to a guy who looks older and have tattoo around his arms, were discussing something. But off course you couldn't hear what they said but you do see their mouths moving. The guy name Taka Dai listens to your parents but of the corner of his eyes he did see you and felt that he wants to destroy you, your emotions and everything.

"We want to sell you our child -points at you- do whatever with them. I don't want that thing and I don't want to look after it either." Whisper your mother to Dai who was looking at you then look back to your shit parents.

Dai nod at them as they have happy in their eyes, but as for you weren't sure whats going on? You just stop looking around the place you look back where your parents should be as they just vanish as you look around of where they are you hear someone calling your name thought it be your parents, as you turn around you face the same guy who was talking with your parents before.

"Hello y/n you're staying with me." Dai said with monotone voice as he stares at you. You then shake your head and reply "B-but what about my parents."

"They don't want you anymore, they said you're a nuisance and a mistake."

You mind went blank when the guy said that but you thought your parents love you and cares for you, why is it happening to you? Why you? As the guy then drag you to train you as an assassin.

"I'm going to make you into assassin to kill for my bidding." The guy said to himself but you heard don't know what it means.

-Time skip-

You were now 10, you learn how to fight, speak different language even wright in different language but off course you met Yuuto there who keep you at bay from going blood thirst, and yes you even tried killed a killed around your age when they bullied Yuuto but you were glad that Yuuto stops you before you killed the kid. But now you were 11, you have to kill an adult as you did that for Dai who only request you to kill that person whose getting in Dai way and that was your first adult kill. While you turn 12 Dai acquaintance as Dai bodyguards took you to a room to well you will know.

You stare down with a blank look on your face as you look at your prey as you saw the person struggling of restrains as the person said "I won't tell your fucking boss anything you brat."

You didn't care what the person called you as you look through weapons as you grab the thing as you go up to him put needle in the person as the person yelled out "What the fuck! You bitch."

"You shouldn't move besides your body will go limb so I can start what I will do."

The person body felt numb across their body as you grab a knife as you start to play with it on the person body as the person can't help feel scared of you as the person stare at your e/c that doesn't show any emotions at all. You then start torturing the person as the person can feel its body as tears ran down.

"It will stop if you tell Taka-san what you know."

"Never over my dead body."

You then look at the glass window where you know that Dai and his acquaintance are there watching interest. Meanwhile through the glass window as one of Dai acquaintance asked "You train that one well, they're beast."

"No, they more like a reaper." 2nd acquaintance asked.

"Yes, I have to make my men train some of those kids but that one they defiantly are a Killing machine and obedient to their master." Dai said with a smirk across his face as he saw you done what you did. "I won't let my little pet go anywhere."

- end of flash back/ past-

You finish your story to everyone and off course some cry, others shocked, angry of Dai the man who took you in along with Yuuto.

"That bastard why did he do that and why make you an assassin. Your just 15! And Yuuto is 17, you guys still young."

You then sigh as you said "But, I am happy here with you lot. You lot are like family to me." You smile to them as Yuuto smile as well.

Yuuto reply "Us -gesture to himself and you- may have a bad past but we always look forward toward to future." Everyone nods at Yuuto in agreement of what he said as Yuuto continues "Well, I'm glad that they have you lot. So, -bow- Thank you!"

Everyone doesn't know what to say as you then respond "Yuuto stands up after all you're the missing mafia son."


Yuuto gave you the look as he playfully rolls his eyes as he then stands up and look at the group who looks shocked at your statement as Yuuto rub his head and said "Heh umm well its true like y/n-chan said. I'm the lost Sumiyoshi-kai prince and the son of Sumiyoshikai."

You then reply "Besides that since you know our story, I would like to warn you do not trust anyone."

"Wait for a sec!" Atsumu said, you look at him as you rise your eyebrow at him even Yuuto himself look at him.

"What about those guys that ya killed!?"

"Ahh, they part of Taka-san group, couldn't believe they find me even though I was glad I killed them."

"Huh y/n-chan you killed them!" Yuuto said as he pouts at you, you roll your eyes knowing he also want to kill them as well.

"Umm how many does that man has?" asked Tobio

You and Yuuto look at each other then look at them all with blank looks, and said together "Let them come, we can kill them."

Everyone shiver as you and Yuuto said it at the same time but off course, they want you to be safe and also Yuuto.

*°.*° ////////////////////////////////////////////////// °*.°*

Author-san: Chapter 16 guys, and sorry for the delay I was just reading other fanfic of Tobio harem 😅 but hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

See you in the next chapter! 

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