Home for the Holidays

Start from the beginning

"Stop it love birds, I need a hug bro." Said Darren towards Jay as he walked up to him and gave him a bear hug.

"Ellie, sweetie. Sorry we are late. We had to sort something at the restaurant. Where are you my darling?" Said Helena as she walked in with her arms open wide.

"I'm here, ma. I missed you."

"Me too. Ah, give me a hug." She said with a huge smile.

"Will, pleasure to meet you again." Said Roberto as he walked up to me and shook my hand.

"Yeah you too."

Why couldn't I have had this when growing up?

Jay looked towards me and gave me a big hug. I hesitated at first but finally gave in.

"I know how you're feeling. It hurts to know her family was and is like this but you are apart of it now." He whispered to me.

"So, Sammy what is going on?" Asked Jay as we took a seat in the couch.

"A lot has happened. Billy has moved in with me as well as TJ. TJ isn't actually six, he is nine. He's just small."

"Hey, I'm not small. I'm big and scary." Laughed TJ.

"I told you not to teach him that." Said Sammy towards Billy.

"Anyway, I'm now a cop or shall is say detective." Said Billy.

"That's great." Said San.

"Yeah. I'm the new Sargent of Narcotics. Three members of my team were from Billy's gang. I gave them a choice plus with their old connections, they are a great help."

"Y-you work in a gang?" I asked Billy without trying to sound scared.

"Used to. Don't sound so scared, red. San made a deal with a gang member. I'm sure you can deal with me." Laughed Billy and I swallowed.

"Stop scaring him." Said Helena as she smiled at me.

"He's a big softie. He isn't in the gang anymore." She said and squeezed my shoulder.

"Yeah." I laughed and let out a breath.

On Christmas day, Roberto was on the bbq making his famous burgers and Abi was trying to teach me how to surf.

Some guy walked up to Jay and was talking about Duke before he reached into the harness pocket. I didn't see the rest because Abi was telling me to focus.

"So, you stand up when the wave comes. If the wave ends up being dead, you and the board will just sink."

"Great explaining, Abi. You need to paddle first. Don't just stand up, you'll look like an idiot in the water if you do that." Said Diego as he came up to me.

"You know what, Diego, you teach him, if you're so fucking perfect."

"Woah, Abi. What's wrong?" Asked San as she came up to us with Jay.

"It's nothing. I'm going for a swim." She said and walked off.

I went to follow but San told me to stay and listen to Diego.

I was able to surf by the afternoon and we ate the bbq afterwards.

"This food is amazing." I said to Roberto.

"Thanks, Will. So, what do you work as?"

"I'm a doctor."

"Ah yes. I remember now. Red scrubs."

"Yeah. I've worked there for about ten years now."

"Wow. Did you find a wife?"

"No. Nearly did but we um...we didn't work out."

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