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*Jay's Pov*

~Three weeks Later~

It was around eleven at night, when we got called back in to work. I walked in at the same time as Sandrelly but somehow, she didn't look tired at all.

"What's up, Hank?"

"Someone's dumped a body in the river. We need all hands on deck to search it."

"How are we searching for it?" Asked Sandrelly.

Only a few lamps were on in the bullpen because a lot of us were still adjusting to the light but I could see the fear in Sandrelly's eyes at the mention of water.

"Some of you will be in gear and searching it by hand. Others will walk along the dock area to see if anything has washed up through the pipes." Announced Hank.

"Can I take the pipes?" I asked.

"Sure. Take Kim."

"Can I take Sandrelly instead? She used to surf, maybe she would know certain areas to look." I said as I looked towards her.

She smiled towards me as to thank me before she grabbed her jacket and chucked it on.

"Yeah. You two head off. The rest, with me." Said Hank.

I was walking towards the changing rooms to get changed into slightly warmer clothes when Antonio approached me.

"What the hell is your problem?" He asked as he shoved me into the locker.

"What do you mean?"

"She's my partner, not yours."

"I'm thinking tactically but you're just thinking with your dick."

"Oh screw you, Halstead."

Sandrelly walked into the room as Antonio swung for me; I ducked and his hand went into the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you two!?" She shouted.

"I started it." Said Antonio.

"Wow. At least you can actually own up to something."

"Antonio! Hurry up!" Shouted Hank.

Sandrelly left the room quite quickly and took my keys to drive the truck. I always drive but I didn't fight her on it.

"Thanks for choosing me. I didn't really want to search the river."

"It's fine. It kind of looked like you were scared when he mentioned the idea of it. Correct me if I'm wrong."

"No, you're correct." She said as she shut the door and we began walking.

"You hate germs?"


"Then what is it? Why freeze up when you hear the sound of water running or when Hank mentioned searching a river?"

"It doesn't matter. It's stupid."

"Can you not swim?"

"I used to surf, Halstead. Of course I can swim."

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that."

"The body won't be here." She said as she crouched down and shone the torch into the pipes.

"Why not?"

"You see here." She said as she pulled me down to her height and pointed to some bars inside. "They stop anything big coming through."

"But surely if turbines chop up the body then it would be smaller."

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