Meet Sandrelly

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It was a normal day in Intelligence where everyone was waiting on a case to arrive while another part of them wanted to go home.

"We have a new addition to the team." Announced Hank as everyone sat down at their desks.

"If it's a woman, keep it in your pants, Halstead." Said Antonio.

"Just because you haven't got any for a while, Dawson." He shot back.

"Both of you, pack it in." Said Hank.

"Please welcome Sandrelly Santos." Smiled Hank as the young blonde girl walked up the steps.

She had a big smile on her face and was dressed in black jeans with a grey top and a white winter hat on her head.

"Unusual first name." Said Kim.

"I'm from Brazil."

"Nice." Said Kim.

"Tell us something about yourself." Said Kevin.

"Um...I like trucks. I know it's not that exciting."

"No I like it." Said Jay with a cheeky grin.

Hank walked up to him and smacked him round the back of the head before he asked Sandrelly to follow him.

She took a seat in his office and he closed the doors while making eye contact with the boys to warn them.

*Hank's Pov*

"Welcome to Chicago and the Unit." I said as she took a seat in front of me.

"Thank you Sargent Voight."

"You can just call me Voight."


"If you're comfortable with that?"

"Yeah of course."

"I will most likely call you Santos but if there is any other nicknames."

"You can call me San or Ellie. I don't mind either."

"So, what brings you to Chicago?"

"The job offer."

"You reached out to my Unit as well as many others."

"You asked around about me?"

"Yeah. Twenty eight year old Detective wants to leave the beautiful country of Brazil and move to Chicago. Literally emails every single unit, hoping someone would take her. It's a bit strange."

Sandrelly sat there uncomfortably, confused on what to say. She thought he accepted her because she was good not because she was desperate.

"I promise you I'm a good Detective, Sargent Voight. I'm not that desperate."

"I didn't say anything about desperation. That was all you."

"Listen, Sargent Voight. I really want this job and I hope I can meet your expectations. But if you don't want me, I completely understand. I don't want your pity because no one else decided to take me. I will get out of your hair and leave. Sorry for taking up your time." Said Sandrelly as she started to stand.

"Woah. Hang on a minute." Said Hank and stood up.

"Sorry Sargent Voight." She said.

"Stop apologising. You haven't wasted any of my time, I promise. I want you on my team. I accepted you because you are a good cop, I've read your file."

"Thank you Sargent."

"C'mon, take a seat."

"Yes, Sarge. I mean Sargent Voight. Please don't hurt me. I didn't mean to."

Riptide (Chicago PD)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें