Home Sweet Home

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When we got into Brazil and had stepped off the plane, everyone was taking off their jackets and losing their scarfs.

"I understand why you were in shorts at the airport." Said Adam.

"Yep. I may have gotten a few weird looks but at least I'm not having to try and find space for my jacket and scarf. That is in my suitcase for when we land back in Chicago."

"Alright. No need to brag."

"We have to catch the taxi in an hour. How long will the airport take us?"

"Probably thirty to forty five minutes." I said and followed Hank into the airport.

Once we had grabbed our bags, we waited for the taxi to pick us up. Hank had ordered one for all of us to get into.

"Drop your bags at the hotel and then get back in the taxi." Said Hank.

"I'm not staying in a hotel. I'm staying with my parents."

"Yeah. Sorry, I forgot. Taxi driver is going to take you to your place. Drop your bags off and then he'll drive back to pick us up to take us to the district." Explained Hank.

"Can we not just chill for a bit?" Asked Adam.

"Yeah. It was a long flight." Said Antonio.

"I need sleep." Said Kim.

"Can I not just say hi to my family quickly? I haven't seen them for three months."

"No. Everyone can rest later. We are literally meeting Sargent James and his team and sorting out a few things. That's it."

"Okay." We all said.

"Hi, Mom. Dad. Diego. I can't stay long." I called out and dumped my bag in the kitchen.

"Oh Ellie. We are so glad you are home." Said my dad, Roberto, as he came at me with big open arms. Kind of open.

"Hey, Dad. How's your arm?"

"It's fine."

"Oh, my baby. How are you, sweetie?" Said my mom, Helena.

"I'm great, mom. Where's Diego? I can't stay long and I wanted to see him quickly."

"You'll have to see him later, Ellie. He's currently teaching."

"Nah, just finished." Said Diego as he ran in and picked me up in his arms.

"Hey, Diego. How are you?"

"I'm great, sis. Can't wait to meet the new team later."

"Oh yes, the new team." Said Roberto.

"I have to go, guys. I'll be back in an hour or two."

"Invite your new team round. We'll have a bbq."

"Will do, ma."

I quickly ran out the door, got in the taxi and apologised to the man for being longer than I was supposed to be.

"I was able to sit down for a bit." Said Adam.

"Yeah. Thanks, San." Said Antonio.

"What took you so long?" Asked Hank.

"I just said a quick hello to my parents."

"Are they okay?" Asked Kevin.

"Yeah, they are great. And before I forget, you are all invited to a Santos bbq tonight."

"Really? Asked Kevin.

"Yeah. You can thank my parents for that one but I think I might be cooking."

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