I miss mom

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"Sandrelly! Where are you?" Called Diego as I walked down the stairs.

"She's in the lounge." I said as I followed him.

"What's up, Diego?"

"The festival was sick but it was strange. There was less people."

"The beach was packed. A lot of us were there."

"What did you guys do?" Asked Roberto as he walked in with bags of food.

"Sandrelly taught me how to surf."

"He wasn't too bad."

"At least you guys had fun." Said Diego.

"You didn't?" I asked.

"The festival was dead. No one was really around and a lot of the crowd was old people."

"Perfect place for Hank." Said Sandrelly.

"No. Perfect time to do drug deals. All the cops would be at the parade." I said as I opened one of the Chinese food bags.

"Tell us about yourself, Jay. Let's forget about work." Said Helena.

"I have a brother in Chicago, he's a doctor."

"Yeah, Abi said something about him." Said Diego.

"Is he older?" Asked Helena.

"Yeah. He's the older one but I'm smarter."

"I wouldn't say that." Said Sandrelly.

"You've met him?" Asked Diego.

"Yeah, she's met him. She met him first before I even met her."

"Really?" Asked Roberto.

"Yeah. I went to the hospital my first day in Chicago and met him. He's nice and he can joke, so that's a bonus."

"What's his nickname?" Asked Diego.


"Wow. Bet he loves that."

"He doesn't mind it." Laughed Sandrelly.

I looked to my side to see her beautiful smile and it lit a fire in me. It made me feel so warm and safe. Her family is great and it makes me think of mine. How great my mom was and then you had my dad, who wasn't so great. Is it really too much to ask to have this kind of family?

It's just me and Will but it does get lonely and it's not fair to always dump your problems on that one person. I guess what I'm saying is, I miss mom.

"Jay? You alright buddy?" Asked Diego.

"Yeah. If you'll excuse me. I'll be back in a minute."

I went into the downstairs bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror as tears rolled down my face. I covered my mouth so no sound came out as I sobbed.

I don't know why I was crying. I was so happy today and I have been on the other days but sometimes it just gets to me.

I placed my hands on the edge of the sink and looked down, trying to contain my tears.

"Jay, are you okay?" Asked Sandrelly as she knocked on the door.

"Yeah. I'll be out in a minute."

As I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Sandrelly leant on the wall but she immediately stood up when she saw me. She looked up at me and slowly placed her hand on my cheek. I leant my face against her hand as more tears were spilled.

I tried to keep it in but I stopped trying to fight it and slowly sat down on the floor. Sandrelly sat down next to me and allowed me to put my head on her shoulder. She put her arm around my body and hugged me into her body.

"I'm sorry. This is stupid." I said and started to wipe my eyes.

She pulled my hand away and moved to sit in front of me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a hug, which made me cry harder.

When we pulled away, she wiped her thumb under my eyes and got rid of my tears that kept falling.

"It's okay to cry, Jay."

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising, you haven't done anything."

"You are really special, you know that, San."

"I've always known it." She laughed.

"Yeah. Is it because you are especially weird?"

"Especially weird? That just sounds odd, you weirdo."

"It only sounds odd to a weird person."

"Oh shut up, Halstead."

"I'm going to head to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Have fun with your family."

I didn't hear much from downstairs for a little bit until I heard the fridge being opened and plates being put in the sink.

I was led on my side, facing away from the door and hugging a pillow.

I heard a small knock on my door and pretended to be asleep. I turned to look at the door, thinking whoever it was had left but Sandrelly was stood there with a sad expression.

"Can I come in?"


"You don't have to tell me what's wrong but please don't shut me out." She said as she crouched down on the floor in front of me.

I let go of the pillow and placed my hands on her as I pulled her up off the floor and pointed to the bed. She let out a giggle as she sat on the other side of me. I turned my body so I was facing her and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her from a sitting position to laying down.

"Can you stay?" I asked her.

"Of course." She said as she got under the covers.

I pulled her towards me and she gave me a hug before I relaxed and fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, Sandrelly was trying to carefully tap the bed and look for something without waking me up.

"You okay?" I asked her, making her jump.

"Sorry." I said and smiled at her.

"Sorry for waking you. I'm trying to find my phone."

"It's on charge in your room." Said Helena as she walked past the room and popped her head in but kept her eyes covered.

"Thank you, ma. But we aren't naked." Said Sandrelly as she quickly hopped out of bed and went to her room.

"Jay! We've been called in." Said Sandrelly.

"What for?" I asked as I got out of bed and chucked on trousers because it was raining.

"Some welfare check."

"What's it got to do with drugs?"

"Not sure. I haven't been told much. Just get dressed and grab the keys off the kitchen side."

"How do you know I will be done first?"

"Because my hair looks like a mess." She said as I walked up to her room and stood by the open door.

Sandrelly was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a grey top. She was searching around for something as she was trying to brush her hair.

"You look beautiful, San. No matter what you hair looks like."

"Thanks. I'll be out in a minute."

I went and got the car ready before Sandrelly came out. She ran out with a coat on and quickly hopped in the car.

"You got your badge and gun?" I asked her.

"Yep. You?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

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