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"She came home from the hospital in a cast and said she would still do it again." Said Helena.

"Where is this place?"

"Crystal Creek. I'll take you guys sometime. I'm meeting up with the gang tomorrow."

"The gang?" Asked Kim.

"That's her friend group." Said Jay.

"Ah. Got it." Said Antonio.

"We are heading out to Crystal Creek tomorrow. You guys are welcome to join." I said.

"I'm in." Said Jay, Antonio and Kevin.

"C'mon, Kim. Trust me, it is fun and completely safe."

"Safe? You broke your arm."

"I'm an idiot."


"I promise you guys, it is safe. It's deep but not badly and the water is completely clear. No rocks." Said Roberto.

"Fine. We're in." Said Kim as she agreed for her and Adam.

"What other stuff has San done?" Asked Hank.

"Oh, much worse. Her and her friend stole Diego's bike and were brought back in cuffs."

"Troublemaker, basically." Said Helena.

"Anything else?" Asked Hank.

"When she used to surf, she would go out in the storms. We once had to lock her in her bedroom to make sure she didn't go because the storm was going to be brutal. She snuck out her window and still went down."

"You are mad." Said Antonio.

"And to think you liked me a few weeks back."

"How did you know?" Asked Antonio.

"I'm not an idiot, Antonio. You literally tried to punch Jay, twice."

"Plus I told her." Said Hank.

"Snitch." Said Antonio towards Hank.

*No One's Pov*

Later that night, everyone ended up splitting into separate groups and talking. Everyone enjoyed Roberto's burgers and asked for the recipe but he said it was a secret and refused to share it, which everyone just laughed about.

Antonio and Kevin were in the garden talking to Diego while Hank talked to Sandrelly's parents. Kim and Adam headed off early because they were tired and needed to buy some sunscreen for tomorrow as well as other things.

Jay and Sandrelly had walked down to the beach but stopped and took a seat on the sand.

"Wow. It gets chilly at night." Said Jay as Sandrelly took off her jacket and gave it to him.

"It's normally the guy giving the jacket to the girl. And then the jacket is never seen again."

"Thought I would mix it up a bit. This is the warm hoodie I was talking about. You can keep it for now but I need it back for Chicago."

"No, I'll give it back at the end of the night."

"Okay. I really don't mind."

"I like this place. It's nice and very beautiful."

"Ever gone skinny dipping?"

"Yes but I'm not doing it right now. It's freezing."

"Strip to your boxers and then follow me in."

"Sandrelly, it is freezing. No."



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