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Sandrelly was working and cleaning tables when some young red head walked in. She was kind of skinny but her legs were built like a surfer's.

"Hey, Diego."

"Hey, Ava."

She collected the order that she had put in and smiled as she left.

"She your girlfriend?" Asked Sandrelly.

"No. That's Sammy's girlfriend. I thought he would tell you."

"I haven't spoken to him since I left."

"I'm sure it's just a small bump in the road."

"Yeah. I have to go and meet the team. Crystal Creek is calling."

"Alright, sis. Have fun."

*Jay's Pov*

Sandrelly had given me permission to drive Jonas up to the Creek as long as I followed the van.

"Don't crash it." She said and handed me the keys.

"I won't."

When we arrived, we parked the cars and then followed Darren. He led us to a tree line that cleared up after ten minutes of walking. When we stepped out of the tree line, there was a bright, brown coloured cliff and a few kids screaming and shouting. Darren jogged over and started saying hi to people as others ran over and greeted Sandrelly.

"Is it clear?" Asked Harvey.

"Yep. It's ready for you guys." Said Christine, this brunette we had just met.

Sandrelly and her three friends took their clothes off so they were left in their swimmers and slid their flip flops off. They ran towards the edge of the cliff and just jumped. I ran forward to see their heads bop out of the water and the biggest smile on Sandrelly's face.

We were taking off our clothes as the four of them walked back up.

"How do you get back up?" Asked Antonio.

"There's a stairway just there. Go careful though, it can be slippery." Said Abi.

"Who's going next?" Asked Harvey.

"We'll go." Said Antonio as he pointed at himself, Adam and Kim.

"Jay? You coming?" Asked Adam.

"Jay and San haven't got to that stage yet." Laughed Harvey as Abi and Darren tried to hold back their laughs.

"Hilarious, Harvey." Said Sandrelly and walked off.

"Woah. I was just joking." He said.

"I don't think it was you." Said Diego as he joined us.

"I'm going to see what's up."

"Halstead, if that's you, just go and jump. I'll be back in a minute."

"No. What's wrong?"

"I'll be back in a minute."

"Where are you?"

"Jay, buddy. She is peeing in a bush." Said Abi and patted me on the back.

"Oh. I'll leave."

"Good plan." Said Abi as I walked back to the others.

"She okay?" Asked Kevin.

"Not sure. Let's just jump." I said and ran towards the cliff with him.

I looked down to see the crystal clear water and let out a laugh as Kevin and I jumped in.

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