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It was the next day. Today you planned on filming a small vlog, possibly with Jack and Tommy. You weren't sure if you'd run into either, as all three of you were still bringing your belongings over before the furniture came.

Walking into the front door, the house was so loud and empty. You were enjoying the openness while you could. Jack and Tommy weren't there yet, so you just went around the apartment again, taking in each room.

You walked into your new room, seeing all the boxes scattered around. It bothered you that you couldn't unpack everything because there was no where to put it. There was barely anything, not even silverware or plates, that you eventually would have to buy. You had to live off of paper and plastic for now.

You leaned on the island counter, scrolling through Twitter as you waited for the boys to arrive. Soon you heard the front door open, as Tommy and Jack walked in, carrying a few boxes.

"Finally!" you said as they set the boxes on the hall floor, "Took you long enough."

"Tommy was taking his sweet time," Jack said rolling his eyes, "We're filming today, right?"

"I can't wait to flex off my new room," said Tommy, "We still can't unpack until furniture gets here?"

You nodded and Jack responded, "Yeah..where are we gonna to put everything, Tommy?"

Tommy scoffed and rolled his eyes as he walked into the kitchen, "That's mean, Jack. I don't need your sarcasm."

Jack giggled and looked at you, "So, what're the plans for today, y/n?"

You were absolutely head over heels when he said your name. "Uhm-oh! So obviously we're gonna tour the house, and then I was thinking we could run to the store and get like, silverware and plates-whatnot? Important stuff for the house."

"Whatever you say," said Jack. You looked at him for a second until you quickly grabbed his hat off his head. "Snatched!" you shouted as you ran away from him.

"Hey!" he shouted behind you, hot on your tail. You ran into the kitchen, stopping at the counter. Jack was on the opposite side, getting ready to go either side you went. "What's that?" you questioned, pointing behind him. When he looked, you ran for the door.

"What the fuck?!" Jack fumed, realizing you tricked him, "I'm gonna beat your ass!" he laughed.

Oh lord, now you were really running.

You ran into his room and quickly shut the door, becoming cornered. "NO," you pleated as Jack barged open. You pulled the cap down onto your head, throwing your hands up in defense.

Jack ran over to you, placing his hands on your waist, then hoisting you over his shoulder. "I'll be taking that," he said smoothly, fetching his hat off of your head. At this point you gave up, slumping down on him. The only reason you grabbed it was because you wanted his attention. You were so touch deprived, even though your best friend quite literally kissed you last night.

"Can we film now?," Tommy said appearing in the doorway, "Ugh, stop flirting. I wanna give the people what they want. Hurry it up," he said with sass, and walked away.

Jack set you down, causing your head to feel dizzy as all the blood rushed back to your brain. "He's such a cockblocker," you groaned as you walked out of the room. You glanced over your shoulder to see Jack with a smirk, and rosy cheeks.

Picking up your camera, you turned to the two boys. "Should we close the curtains?" You didn't want someone to somehow find your new home.

"Hmm," Jack paused, "Nah, we should be fine."

"Hopefully," Tommy said, and walked towards the front door, "Are we ready?"

"Yup," you and Jack said in unison, standing next to him. You started to record, doing your intro and introducing the boys as well. You continued to showcase the whole house, Tommy and Jack making funny comments and remarks the whole time.

Making your way into your room, you pointed the camera to Jack as he did a cartwheel in the center of your room. You didn't even know he could do a cartwheel. Tommy laughed, and clapped his hands, hunching over. "So, this is my room, guys!"

"Just ignore what that was," you said turning the camera to face you. "And Jack's room!" Tommy shouted, looking at you, "Well, not yet at least."

Jack laughed nervously, his face becoming red as he fixed his hat. "Right..," you said sarcastically, giving Tommy a confused look.

"I'm not wrong! I'm calling it!" he defended, and nudged Jack on the shoulder, "And then I'll hear you guys kissing everytime."

Jack began to giggle, and you cut off Tommy before he could say anything else, "Anyways!"

Finishing with the tour, you turned off your camera as you got ready to head to the store. "You're driving," you demanded, pointing to Jack.

"You're so bossy," said Jack, with a fake hurt tone. "You love it," you said with a smirk. Jack's heart fluttered when the words left your mouth. He couldn't stop smiling, he looked like a fool. He was a fool for you.

"Shush!" Jack whispered shouted at you and Tommy. The two of you were messing around in the aisles and Jack was checking things off of the list for the store. Basic household items.

You whispered wheezed, holding into Tommy for support. Whenever you tried not to laugh, it just caused you to laugh more. Tommy wasn't helping with his funny personality. Or the fact that you were laughing at everything.

"You two are an embarrassment to me," Jack huffed as he quickly walked away from the chaos. "Let's just wander around then," Tommy said beside you. You and Tommy messed around in the store before Jack had finally found you. He reminded you of a mom in that moment, the look on his face was priceless when he saw Tommy kick a bouncy ball and have it hit the ceiling light.

After finally making it back to the apartment, you put away the items you bought. It was starting to get dark out, and you were beginning to feel tired. At this point you just wanted to go home and lay in your bed. Maybe sleep in your mums bed with her, that always comforted you.

Tommy was scrolling on his phone when Jack approached you. "You look tired, are you heading home?"

"Yeah," you yawned and covered your mouth, "And I still have to edit the video, but I might just do it tomorrow."

"Do it tomorrow," he said, a sweet tone lacing his voice, "Go get some sleep. Tommy and I are gonna hang out for a bit."

You left soon after, wanting to just be home already. As much as you wanted to stay, you were very exhausted and wanted to see your mum.

Soon enough, you were laying next to her under the warm blankets as some random movie played on the Tv. You also couldn't forget about the gossip, of course.

jack is so pretty
not really sure what to write next, any suggestions?
lmk if there are any corrections that need to be done
have a good day/night!!

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