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"Bloody hell," exclaimed the drunk guy who sat next to you. His eyes watched the screen as you shot down three enemies in a matter of seconds.

"Blimey," said the guy who handed you the controller. Your character froze, the big words 'Victory' displayed over the screen. Jumping up, the people around you cheered. Even drunk you could still play just as well.

You had to tell Jack. That's when the realization hit you. You completely walked away from him. The panic started to kick in, causing you to frantically stand up and wobble out of the room. "Where are ya going?" someone asked, though you ignored them.

You pushed yourself through different people, trying to find your way back to the kitchen. The loud music pounded into your ears, as you were pushed around.

Wandering throughout the large home, you eventually found a staircase. You excused yourself, squeezing through the people that filled it. The top of the stairs had a balcony that overlooked the large living room.

You stared into the crowd, trying to see if you recognized anyone. Everyone looked too similar, making you frustrated. Being drunk certainly didn't help either.

Someone suddenly placed their hand on your shoulder. You nearly screamed before you looked at who it was. "George!"

"Hey," he said smiling softly, "Are you okay? You seem distressed." You huffed and nodded, "I was looking for you guys." George knew you were tipsy from a mile away. Luckily he found you before something could go wrong.

"Well, you found me," George laughed, "Cmon, let's go find the others." He put his hand on your upper back, gently guiding you back towards the stairs.

After an eternity, George found your other friends. Jack ran over to you, clearly upset, "Y/n! Jesus christ, where did you go? I was so worried. I was looking everywhere for y-"

"I know, I know," you whined, "I'm so sorry, I got distracted and wandered off. I beat a bunch of guys, though."

You stared at Jack for a second before starting to laugh. He looked funny, as his worried face became confused. The red lipstick around Jack's lip is what caused your outburst. You couldn't stay serious.

Jack started to laugh at your laughing, making your friends think you were insane. You started to calm down, glancing at your friends before a guy wearing a hotdog costume caught your eye.

You instantly wheezed, putting your hands on your knees for support. "What is so funny, you two?" Niki asked, giggling a bit.

"They're literally insane," George said, glancing around to see an empty couch, "Go sit down." He tried his best to navigate you and Jack to the couch, before both of you sat down.

"I think they're laughing at the hotdog..?" Wilbur spoke, completely confused, "I'm not exactly sure."

You and Jack laughed, speaking gibberish to each other that only the two of you could understand. While you were busy, the three of your friends managed to grab more drinks, hoping you and Jack wouldn't wander off.

You had your phone out, tweeting random things that Jack found hilarious. He then went onto Tiktok, and started filming himself. You were about to piss yourself.

"Jack," you spoke with panic, still laughing, "I have to pee. I'm gonna go find the toilet."

He nodded and went back to your phone. You slipped past your friends without them noticing, and hurried to the closet bathroom. You tried the knob, thank god it was unlocked. You slowly opened it, preparing yourself to see naked people but luckily it was empty.

After doing your business, you walked back out into the hall before someone called your name. You looked over your shoulder to see Simon trudging towards you.

"Where 'ave you been? Been lookin for you for hours," he said, examining your face. He looked mad, but was clearly trying to not have an outburst.

"With my friends," you said shortly, "You walked away from me."

"Anyways," he rolled his eyes, "I'm gettin ready to leave, are you ready?"

Your face contorted into a snark, "No? I'm staying with my friends." You immediately regretted your tone, but you couldn't hold back.

"How are ya going to get home?" he asked, annoyed. "My friends?" you questioned with an attitude. Simon acted like this when he was jealous. He only got jealous when there was another guy with you.

"Are you jealous?"

"What?" he scoffed. "Are you jealous of Jack?" you questioned, everything was starting to click now. You might've been drunk, but you weren't stupid.

"I'm not doing this right now, y/n. You're plastered." Simon was starting to get pissed off now, but you kept pushing his buttons. "Is that why you're acting like this?"

You continued bickering until you pushed him over the edge. "Enough!" he shouted over the loud music, causing a few people to stare. You didn't even flinch, the alcohol boosting your confidence.

"Just.." he paused, lowering his voice, "Just text me when you're home, please." You lightly nodded, not wanting to deal with him anymore. He walked away from you, his heavy boots slightly shaking the floor.

The people around you went back to their business, as you walked back to Jack and the others. Jack was messing with Niki and Wilbur, as George noticed that you were back.

"Everything okay?" he said gently, turning away so the others wouldn't hear. "Yeah, just lost my ride home," you explained, seeming sober but definitely were not.

"We'll get ya a ride, don't worry," he reassured you, sending you a sweet smile. You smiled back, feeling a bit better. That's what you loved about George, he was so sweet and caring.

Jack came over to you, his makeup now smudged. "Wanna go play some cup pong?" You nodded, wanting to take Simon off your mind.

After many games of beer pong, you were now ready to leave. You felt exhausted, your dopamine and adrenaline starting to wear off. Luckily Wilbur and George were much more sober than you, Niki, and Jack were. They called separate ubers, the three of them hopping into one.

George had let you and Jack be alone, also because his house was close by. The few minutes you had with Jack you spent just quietly talking.

"Simon left without me," you said looking down at your hands, "I think he's jealous of you." You explained the earlier events outside the bathroom.

Jack looked at you with wide eyes, "I'm sorry y/n,"

You shook your head, looking into his drunken eyes, "It's okay, he's always been like that." Jack had felt like he was the reason why the argument had happened. He would never tell you that though, intoxicated or not.

Jack just stared at you, not knowing what to say. That's when the car came to a stop, and you were now at his apartment. Sadness washed over Jack, now realizing his time with you for the night was over.

"Goodnight, y/n," he said stepping out of the backseat. He wanted to give you a kiss, but didn't want to piss off the driver.

"Goodnight, Jack," you replied, a sweet but depressing tone filled your voice. Jack shut the car door and waved as the uber driver started to pull away. You were now alone in the backseat, left only with your thoughts.

It was all so bittersweet.

halloween party is finally over
any ideas for future chapters? please comment some
but i'm now done with 3 out of 6 hours with my driving hours woo
sorry enough about me
hope everyones enjoying the book so far!!
bye bye

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