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"You do remember his house, right?" your mum asked sitting in the passenger seat. You were now driving down the road to Simon's house.

"Yes, mum," you spoke with a straight tone, trying to focus on the road. You were trying hard to not think about the other night. The night you and Simon argued. You've felt guilty about it since, your drunken words never leaving your head.

Simson's brick house came into your perspective, the car moving closer. "You seem nervous," your mum peeped from your left, sensing her gaze on you. You left out a deep sigh, "I just feel so guilty."

"Like-he didn't he do anything wrong. And I pushed him and now he probably hates me. He told me he wanted to see me the entire visit home but we only saw each other twice-"

"Y/n," she cut off your rambling, "just breath and pay attention to the road. His house is right here," you left out a deep breath and turned to pull into his driveway. Hopefully he was still here.

Turning off the car, you looked over at your mum. She stared at the house as she spoke, "I'm going to have a nice chat and catch up with his dad. Go make up with Simon and make him enjoy his last day home."

You nodded and grabbed a quick piece of mint gum out of your console, throwing it into your mouth. You got out of the car and walked to the front door, your mum right behind you.

Knocking on the door, you both stood patiently on the porch. A few seconds later, Simon's dad opened the door and smiled at you and your mother. "Hi, Mr. Taylor!"

"Come in, come in!" the man beamed, allowing you to walk inside. He shut the door, and greeted the two of you with a gentle hug. You had missed him, he was like a father figure to you. Mr. Taylor and your mum were good friends, and even invited him over for holidays.

He made small talk before bringing up Simon, "he's in his room, pretty sure he's been secretly waiting for you." You thanked him and walked up the stairs.

You stood in front of Simon's door, unsure if you should leave or not. Bringing your knuckles up, you gently knocked on the white wood. Simon stood in front of you a few seconds later, his tall figure looming over you.

"Hi," you squeaked, craning your neck up. Simon's eyes softened when he saw you, moving out of the doorframe so you could walk in. He shut the door behind you as you stood in the center of his bedroom.

"So..," you started, "how have you b-" Simon cut off your words by engulfing you in a hug. You wrapped your arms around him after you realized what was happening. Before you knew it, Simon's breathing hitched and you felt his salty tears drip onto your neck. His tears wet your skin, soon soaking your shirt. You didn't mind though. The last time he had cried was when he told you about his mum. The two of you held each other for what felt like forever, Simon's quiet weeping filling the silence.

He eventually calmed down, leaving you unsure of what to say. Simon pulled back, giving you a good look at his face. His eyes were puffy, and his cheeks were stained with his tears. You and Simon spent the next few minutes apologizing and talking over everything that happened. You had rekindled your friendship, and that's all you wanted.

"Wanna go get lunch?" he asked abruptly, his accent thick. You giggled and nodded, "I'd love that very much."

You and Simon went to a local sandwich shop, and chatted about your new apartment. You tried your best to not mention Jack. You knew Simon didn't want to be jealous, but that's just how he was.

Simon also talked about how excited and nervous he was for Canada. Luckily, he said one of his old friends he met in boot camp was going to be at the same base as him. You felt happy for Simon, he was going to be starting a new chapter in his life. And leaving one of the most important ones behind, yet again.

Simon's heart ached at the thought of him ever permanently leaving you. He would never bring himself to do that. He promised himself that he would always come back for you.

Returning to his house, it was almost time to leave for the airport. You offered to give Simon a ride to the airport, which he accepted. You weren't worried about your mum, her and Mr. Taylor could talk forever.

You and Simon put his baggage in your car, and sat in the living room talking to both of your parents to pass the time. Soon it was time to leave, Simon saying his goodbyes to your mum and finally his dad.

You could tell Mr. Taylor was trying to not cry, already missing his son while his arms wrapped around him. Now you were trying to not cry.

They soon parted ways and Simon walked out the door. You said you'd be back, and closed the door behind you.

Arriving at the airport, you made your way through the other cars before you pulled up to the drop off area. 'This was it,' you thought. Both hopping out of the car, you helped Simon arrange his stuff together before heading inside. Once he set everything down on the curb, it was now time to say goodbye.

You suddenly burst into tears, not being able to calm down. Simon held you in his arms, trying to not cry as well. "I'm sorry, y/n. I hate myself for leavin' you," he spoke lightly into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

"Text or call me everyday," you spit out between sobs. "I will, I promise," he said and broke the hug. Simon grabbed your chin gently, causing you to look up at him. He closed the distance between you, causing your lips to lock onto each other. Simon pulled away, "Goodbye, y/n."

"Goodbye, Simon," you stood in shock as he walked inside, leaving you to stand alone on the curb. People passed you, and cars honked. The commotion around you didn't matter.

Getting into the car, the sun was now set, leaving you to drive in the dark. You turned up the radio extremely loud, hoping to keep the tears away. That didn't work as you began to sob uncontrollably as you drove back to Simon's house, alone.

ugh i love writing angst
simon's gone now :(
fun fact: not sure if everyone knows who this is, but i based simon's appearance/whatever off of Simon 'Ghost' Riley HA
lmk if there's any misspelling's or any recommendations for future chapters
have a good day/night!!

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