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"WAKE UP," Tommy shouted into your face while he shook you awake. You jumped up, "Jesus christ," you screamed, "Tommy what the fuck?"

"We have big plans today, Y/n,"

"Okay?" you said with sass, "you could've woke me up less violently."

"Oh you're fine," he said brushing it off, "we're going golfing today!"

"Golfing? With who?" Tommy explained that you, Tubbo, Jack, and him were going to make a video playing miniature golf. You seemed more interested now.

"Now, hurry, go shower or whatever you women do," Tommy said ushering you out of your room. You rolled your eyes at him walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

Before you knew it, Jack had pulled up in front of Tommy's house. Tubbo was in the passenger seat, smiling at the two of you. Jacks car was a two door, he got out so you and Tommy could climb into the back.

Climbing into the back, you sat behind Tubbo, Tommy behind Jack. "Hi guys!"

"Oh my gosh hi Tubbo," you giggled, greeting the brown haired boy, "and Jack of course."

Jack laughed, "who is this woman?"

"Hello, friends," Tommy stated.

The ride to the golf course was about 35 minutes away, giving you four lots of time to chat. Jack had his music playing lightly, listening to a song you didn't recognize.

Because of how small his car was, you and Tommy's legs were a bit squished. Jack apologized, saying he needed to get a new car soon anyways.

Ever since he arrived at the house, Jack hasn't stopped smiling. You would catch him glancing a few times back at you throughout the ride. Failing to make it even more obvious, he clearly looked happy to be in your presence. Also enjoying his best friends as well.

You had been texting your friends briefly as well during the ride. Your one friend, Samantha, had bet that Jack liked you. You couldn't believe her, you had just met. She said the signs were obvious.

You admit, Jack was rather attractive. But you had just met him. You couldn't imagine him having feelings for you, or wanting a relationship already.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when Jack had asked you a question. Realizing you had been staring at him, you looked away quickly. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Are you ready to get your ass kicked?" he asked with a smirk.

"Woah, woah, woah," you started, "calm your balls down. You know damn well I'm gonna beat your ass, Jack Manifold."

You knew Jack was determined to beat you now, just to shove it in your face.

"Let's make a deal. If you win, I'll buy you a milkshake. But," he paused, "If I win, then you have to tweet whatever I tell you to later."

You thought for a moment, that didn't seem like a bad bet.


The four of you soon arrived at the golf course, Jack pulling out his phone to start recording. He started filming, explaining what the video was about. He introduced you as well, turning the phone to face you.

Walking into the little reception area, you guys picked out your clubs and golf balls. The boys explained that they were filming for a video, and how you all are influencers. The woman had already seemed scared by the four of you, Tommy scaring her even more with his blabbering.

You guys had now started, Tommy being absolutely terrible, and Tubbo making a hole-in-one first try. Jack had done better than Tommy, but wasn't the quite best either.

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