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A few weeks had passed since that night at Jack's house. He had let you know way to many times on how he had so much fun and wanted you to come back. You wouldn't doubt him for a second, you two were quite the entertainment together.

You thought back to what you could remember, the image of Jack shirtless popped back into your mind. Your heart flushed and you felt yourself smirk, you could get used to that.

Pulling you from your thoughts, your phone buzzed. Tommy was calling you. What could he possibly want now?

"Y/n, y/n, y/n," he whined impatiently, "I just had the best idea ever. I'm truly a genius, Einstein wishes he was me! Elon Musk is gonna shit his pants."

You sighed and put him on speaker, waiting for him to say his 'end of the world' idea, "Go on."

"We should 'sleepover' or whatever teenage girls do at Jack's house," he explained, while making a kaboom effect, "mind blown, I know."

You giggled, "I like your idea, but maybe you should fix how you worded that, tom-tom." Tommy always says he hates when you call him that, but you know he secretly loves it. It brings comfort to him.

He huffed, "you get what I'm saying though, right?"

"Oh, yeah! Of course, Jack has been bugging me to come back over," you spoke while cracking your knuckles. You had been sat in your chair, starting at your computer screen.

"Really, now?" you could practically see the smirk on his face. Ever since you had been over at Jack's, he hasn't stopped making jokes or sly comments since.

It shocked you at first when he seemed excited with the thought of you two together. Tommy was protective of you growing up, especially with boys you liked.

"He definitely wants to kiss you," he joked loudly.

You felt your cheeks heat up at the thought of kissing him, "Tommy!"

He laughed obnoxiously, "I'm just saying! Let me ask, Jack."

You panicked, "NO! Don't ask him that!"

"No! Not that!," he spilled out between laughs, "I'm asking about sleeping over!"

"Tommy, I am actually going to kill you," you said frustrated, "digging your grave now."

Getting up from your chair, you moved to lay down on your bed. "I'm texting him now," you said opening up your messages.

"Alright, I asked him if he wanted to film something as well," Tommy explained.

As if he was listening, Jack replied almost instantly. He was completely on board with the idea of you and Tommy sleeping over.

"Jack asked when we were coming over," you spoke to Tommy, staring at the text. Muffled noise came from the phone, causing you to slightly laugh.

"Sorry, I'm grabbing a snack," Tommy spoke, sounding far away from the mic, "what about tonight?"

You seemed surprised with his response, tonight? How were you supposed to calm your nerves before than?

Not questioning him, you responded to Jack, informing him with Tommy's idea. To your surprise, Jack was free as well and had agreed with the plan.

"It's your lucky day, Tommy," you paused, "we're sleeping over tonight."

You heard him cheer, a crinkling noise soon following.

Your stomach churned to the realization of what was going to happen in a few hours.

Well, shit.

omg i am so sorry for not updating for so long. this was just a little filler chapter just to keep you guys fed. anyways, my sincere apologies, happy thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates!!

ps. i didn't check for any errors lmk tho

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