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Waking up the next morning, you had a splitting headache. You wished you hadn't drank so much, hangovers were the worst. You remembered bits from last night, realizing you were still at Jack's house.

Sitting up, you began to look for your phone. There it was, on the coffee table; Dead. Great, you thought. Now where was Jack?

This was your first time in his house, so it would be weird to go and look around for him. "Jaaack," you called out, dragging his name.

A second later, "Cominggg,"

Jack walked into the living room, shirtless. You stared at his abdomen, he was kind of buff. Jack was scrawny, but he definitely had strength in his arms and abdomen. Jack had caught you staring, "Checking me out, ay?"

You felt your face heat up as he laughed. "Totally," you said, laughing along with him.

"If you need to shower or anything, go ahead. I'm gonna make breakfast," he said heading into his kitchen, "you okay with pancakes?"

You trailed after him, "Yes please. Do you have chocolate chips?"

He started to search for the ingredients, pulling out a bag of milk chocolate chips. "Oh my gosh you're taking everything from me," he joked.

You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go shower real quick,"

"I'm assuming you need clothes. I have pair of clean sweatpants on my bed, and a bunch of shirts in my closet. Take whatever you need," he paused, "As a matter of fact, take everything from me, like you always do,"

He smiled up at you while he started to stir everything in the bowl, "Shut up," you laughed, making your way towards the his bedroom.

Finding his room, you walked in and started to look for the clothes he was talking about. Jack's room was nice. You had seen it on streams before, and when you had called each other.

You found the grey sweatpants sitting neatly folded on top of his blankets. Picking them up, you went over to his open closet, picking out a random shirt that was hanging.

You really were taking everything from him.

Once you were done showering and dressed, you sat down with Jack at his kitchen island. The two of you sat in silence while you ate, just enjoying each other's presence.

"What time do you want me to leave?" you asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Right now. Get out of my house!" Jack shouted. You both laughed, you knew he was joking. You didn't have anything with you besides your clothes from last night.

"I can drop you off," he offered, "I have to pick up a few things from the store, anyways."

"Really? Honestly thought you'd make me walk home," you pretended to act shocked. He playfully punched your arm, "You're right. I would."

You had help Jack clean up the kitchen, as well as putting the dishes away. Once you had everything sorted together, you told Jack you were ready to go.

During the car ride, you and Jack talked about random things such as games and your friends. Also singing, of course.

Turning onto your street, you were grateful you were home, though you didn't want to leave Jack.

"Thank god," you huffed, "I can finally get my ass away from you."

Jack laughed, "Bye. Never talking to you again. Get out of my car."

You hopped out of your seat, looking back at Jack, "Thank you baldy, I'll text you later."

"Bye," he smiled. You shut the door, walking up to your front door. Opening the door, you glanced back to give a quick wave.

You immediately started to charge your phone, having to catch up on everything eventually. When it was back on, Tommy had left you a bunch of texts and calls. There was also hundreds of notifications from twitter.

Lil Tom-tom
text me when you
get home
are you home yet
if you're dead in a
ditch rn you owe me
20 dollars
you better not be
pregnant with a bald

i'm alive
and home now

About a minute later, Tommy had let himself in through the back door.

"Now why the hell-," he started, but you had cut him off, "I'll tell you everything. Even though there's not much to tell,"

something real quick i want to say is that i have no idea who jack is roommates with i'm assuming niki but idk. so the sake of this story i'm just gonna keep him living in an apartment by himself for a bit, then having niki bunk with him.

any mistakes please inform!! have a great day/night!

CALYPSO // Jack Manifold x readerWhere stories live. Discover now