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Making your way down the bricked sidewalk, the familiar scent of coffee fumed in the air. Today you were meeting up with an old friend from your years in secondary school.

You grabbed the handle on the door, immediately being hit with the mixture of muffins and coffee beans. This was your favorite local coffee shop, you even debated working here part time. The little shop was so welcoming, and had the perfect neutral aesthetic.

Your eyes scanned the room, looking for your usual spot. You made your way over to your favorite booth in the back of the shop. It was so cozy.

Once you were seated, a certain figure walked in. Your eyes glanced over the tall man, as his scanned the room for you. You caught his attention, causing his face to lit up.

Simon Taylor.

You got out from the booth as he walked over. "Y/n!" he exclaimed as he pulled you into a hug. His voice had gotten even deeper since school, and his accent had become thicker.

You wrapped your arms around him, your face squished against his chest. Simon had always been taller than you. He was 6'5 when you graduated, but now he looked even taller.

"Simon! Gosh I missed you," you greeted him and pulled away, "Wanna grab a drink?"

"Course," he smiled charmingly.

After you ordered, both of you sat down in the booth. "So, how have you've been?" you asked while he took a sip of his drink.

"Good, it's great to be home," he said, glancing over your face. After graduation, Simon went into the British Army. You were devastated when he told you, you were going to miss him.

And you did. Simon was your partner in crime. Whenever you wanted to go out and have a bit of excitement, he was always up to it. Tommy never liked him, most likely because Simon was a bit of a troublemaker. Also the fact that Simon had a thing for you.

The two of you did mess around, but promised to not let it come between your friendship.

His dark blonde hair was the same, but he had light stubble that fit his face. He hadn't changed one bit, but looked more grown.

"How was living in Saudi Arabia?" you questioned, curious of how his life in the military was.

"It was actually really fun, met lots of different people. You get used to the heat. Even had a vipa' jumpscare me when I was leavin' base," he explained passionately. Simon told you he only joined because he really had nothing else to do with his life. Turns out he was meant for it.

"Thank you for reminding me to not visit," you expressed dramatically. Simon laughed and took another sip of his coffee. You tapped on your cup and stared at his dog tags that hung gracefully around his neck.

"Is your dad happy you're home?"

His mom left the picture when he was about 7 years old. You two shared a bit sadness, because your parents divorced when you were 11. Simon loved the way you understood him.

"Yep, old man was smiling like a little kid on Christmas," he chuckled, "enough about me. What's life been like without me?"

"A lot better without your ass around," you laughed, but cut yourself off, "kidding. I'm actually scared of you now."

"You should be," he said slouching down a bit. You giggled and took a sip from your cup.

"Have you met anyone?" Simon asked almost urgently. His question caught you off guard, "what?"

You laughed and you thought of Jack. Telling Simon about him wouldn't end well, knowing him. "No, not really," you said shrugging.

There was some things you needed to keep to yourself. You knew he definitely saw some things about you and Jack though, since he watched your content.

CALYPSO // Jack Manifold x readerWhere stories live. Discover now