Six children

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Mikey breathed slowly. Trying to gather his thoughts, he presses his forehead against the cool glass of the mirror.

What could he say? Raph wasn't a bad person, he just got angry sometimes and says things he doesn't mean. He's only like that sometimes, well, most of the time, but still! He's just a product of his environment!

Is he? Or is he like that naturally? Is it simply a part of his soul? Was he meant to be like this? Is he a bad person?


Mikey jerked his head up.

"Are you okay? You're breathing real loud." GB spoke softly yet firmly, trying to grab Mikey's attention.

"Yeah, yeah," He breathed, voice cracking. He sunk down against the wall, sitting on the floor.

"Oh, you're having a break-down." They spoke even softer, as if trying to hold him over the phone.

He sniffled and let out a small sob.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Don't overthink it, just go ahead and cry, alright? I don't mind. I might cry with you,"

Mikey giggled wetly, but obliged. He quietly sobbed in the bathroom, feeling his body shake from the action. As he cried the tight feeling in his chest subsided. The fear and pain he felt before gave way to sadness and frustration.

He faintly heard the sniffles and sobs of his friend over the phone, and was slightly comforted in not being alone right then as he often had been before.

As he cried, he was forced to confront the feelings he had built up and ignored, especially those towards his brothers. Mean, ugly feelings he had.

He hated the way they brushed his ideas off, the way they rolled their eyes every time he spoke, the names he's called, the constant reminder of his stupidity, babying him like he can't take care of himself.

He was sick of the calls every time he leaves. Sick of feeling lesser. Sick of being treated lesser. He wanted them to trust him more, wanted to be treated better.

He wanted things to be different.

A light tune drifted over the line and into his ears. GB singing softly, voice sticky.

"... the papers say it's dooms day, the button has been pressed~"

Mikey listened, trying to hum along.

"We're gonna nuke each other up boys, til old Satan, stands impressed,"

GB took in a shaky breath.

"And as the Earth burns to the ground, oh girl it's, you~ that I lie with~"

Mikey leaned his head back against the wall and breathed.

"As the atom bomb locks in~ oh girl it's you~ I watch TV with, as the world, as the world caves in~"

GB pauses, sniffling over the line. It was then they noticed they couldn't hear Mikey.

"Sorry, singing helps calm me down,"

Mikey chuckles.

"It's okay! It calmed me down too,"

"Good! Good, that's good to hear,"

They both fell silent.

"... So, do you want to tell me what's up?" GB asked. Mikey swallowed.

"Well, wasn't this call for you? I don't want to-"

"I'll go next." GB interrupted, not letting up. The turtle let out a breath.

"I, well, it's not easy to say, cause I'm just overreacting. I'm too sensitive a-and I get upset when they're just teasing me, uh, my brothers,"

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