part10. Sunday, breakfast

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After finishing your shift near midnight you go home to change out of your clothes sweating. 

"No one told me that the packages were all heavy"

"How heavy were they?"

Mineta plops down next to you.  Handing a cup of tea to relax, resting his head upon your shoulder you slowly start to slip into the land of sleep. 

Mineta looks up at you in silence until he got up to go get a blanket from the closet.  He comes back and places it on your body as he heads over to the door to lock it only to recieve a knock.   Answering it stood kirishima that looked slowly down with a darkened look. 

(Trigger warning)

"Is y/n home"

"No shes not here she doesn't live he-"

Kirishima opens the door more to find your passed out form on the couch anger boils inside him.  Flicking his gaze back down mineta backs away as he stalked forward before grabbing him.

He was saving these pills jsut for you on Sunday night after the party.  Grabbing the pocket knife in his back pocket he corners mineta as he firmly gripped his throat activating his quirk.  Mineta was making small whines while squirming. 

"What did you do to my girlfriend mineta~"..

"What are you talking about kirishima I didn't do anything to her!!!"

"Shes out cold and i have a feeling you did something"

"Your nuts man!!!! I didnt put anything in her drink or food her brother will kill me if I ever did that to her!!!!"

"Liar...i know how pervy you can be"

"Im not being a pervert!!!!"

"Tell me what you did or this knife will go into your small little skull and I will enjoy carving out your eyes mineta~"

Mineta plucks his purple balls and tosses them at kirishima who stunbles back slightly taking one off as the other stuck.  But it wasnt enough they fell off because of how he was feeling right now.  Scared and anxious.  Kirishima uses his foot and sends vomit and some blood coming out of minetas mouth.  He fell backwards making a light thump.  Struggling to stand he stopped himself from going any further.  Tomorrow was sunday.

Grabbing him by the collar their faces were close as he fans his face before giving it one hard punch breaking mineta's nose he bleeds slightly.

"Touch my girl ever in your life and your dead do you understand ill gladly take you limb from limb.."

"Your crazy you think ill honestly do something like that!"

"I know you Well enough mineta"

"Well not enough apparently"

"Wanna bet?"

"As crazy as you are right now get your hands off me jackass!"


He drops him to the floor and heads over to your sleeping figure kneeling down slightly his lips lightly touched yours as he closed the space.  He slightly deepens the kiss careful enough to not wake you.  He pulls away from your sweet lips sadly leaving so quickly. 

Mineta was sitting there in shock wondering how he found you did someone hack into your phone to find your location or did they do it differently.  He didnt know alk he knew was that he had to tell your oldest brother hizashi.  Stumbling over to the phone on the table he texted your brother hizashi telling him what happened.

stained in the arrow 21+ kirishimaxreaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя