"Well I might call you later."


"Yes might, if I remember. I am out with my friend right now."

"I'll call you."

"Okay I might answer."


"Yes mig- listen David-"

"The full name?" He chuckled.

"Yes, I don't got time right now."

"Okay, I'll call you in like an hour."

"You have way too much time on your hands boy." I hung up.

"Who is David?"

"Some guy Gia is messing around with."

" Why is he calling you?"

" I don't know, Gia gave him my number. I don't know what the fuck is going on with her. You know when the attention is not on her, She throws a fucking fit. She feels like I'm uglier than her so when good things happen to me, it destroys her." He shook his head.

" she is your typical Spanish girl. There's nothing really amazing about her. Y'all are both beautiful. I feel like she is just something to look at, and you are the whole package. You are great to look at, you have a great personality, you have a heart of gold, you are very interesting because you are so laid-back and out of the way. It makes people want to know more about you and you are so straight up. You just have this energy about you that makes motherfuckers so attracted to you and they want to be around you." I covered my face and he laughed.

" thank you, see I need to hang around you more you to fill my needs as a libra. You make everything about me and I love it." He laughed. " no but honestly I feel like that's why we connected and we will always connect because I feel the exact same way about you."

"Leos and Libras are a lot a like." I know.

" you guys are the boring version of us."

"Not really- we'll actually maybe yes. That is so true." We laughed.

" I think the only aspect you're really beat us in are you guys are a little bit funnier."

" you are fucking hilarious, but you don't know that you're hilarious because you are just speaking your mind. Everything that comes out your fucking mouth is funny even if it's a little bit but it's funny."

" nothing that I say it's fucking funny." He laughed. " I think you just take me for a fucking joke, that's the fucking problem."

"You are so fucking funny. Not even because I take you as a joke but you are just genuinely fucking funny."

" we need to be rich."

" you are rich."

" that is my dad's money. I am not rich yet." He laughed.

" anyways, you need to stop playing and let me stay the night."

" you did it before and we're not going back down that path are we?" He smirked and shrugged. " See, I knew you invited me out because you wanted some ass." he bust out laughing. 

" no, I am just fucking with you, that was a little fling that we left it go a a long time ago." I looked at him.

" are you still stuck on the kid?" I shook my head. " no but honestly, I value our friendship way more than our little fling. And I think we both successfully kept a very great relationship or friendship after. I thought we were done for good." He shook his head.

" that shit wasn't going to stop our friendship, you are a all-around great person." I smiled.

" that is how our fling started in the first place. You know I like when you talk to me like that." He laughed. " I think you are trying to giggle your way into some panties."

" I am not." He laughed even harder.

" I am not this fucking funny so I know something is fishy." He cover his mouth and stopped laughing and I stared at him.

"I am done."

He is so silly and goofy.

we used to have the biggest fucking crushes on each other, still do. And then I think in our last couple of years of college we started messing around. And then on the last year of college he transferred to another college, and we barely even got to see each other. I feel like I have left that school and went right to work so we didn't really have time for each other. So that's how we ended the fling and he was just living in the limelight of being the popular football player. I was always very happy for him as far as his success, and I wished him the best genuinely. He has always been an amazing person.

I could I see myself with him later on in life, yes, because I feel like he understands me to a certain level and he understands that I have true commitment issues and I'm very indecisive. And he knows how to operate around it.  A lot of the shit that we went through is because of me and it wasn't on purpose and it wasn't major issues at all. It was just my abandonment issues which led to my trust issues which led to my commitment issues and attachment issues. It all stems from my needs to being a abandoned growing up. Or me feeling unloved. Then I met Antwan a couple years ago and that relationship just played on the issues that already existed. He was fucking horrible, he was a savage and he was a fucking serial cheater, and he lied couldn't control himself. And I took him back at least 10 to 12 times. He was amazing in the bedroom, and he was funny, mostly unintentionally, but he was funny. He was a cancer, He wasn't astronomical. I feel like the most fiery sex I had was with Kaleb. He had the fire and the passion. He was very in tune with me, I feel like that's what I mean. When I say, he understands me. He understands me in every aspect. we did grow up together, and we were very close, very very close, and I think he wanted to love me from watching me, become who I am, he was there every step of the way.

"I really love you man." I spiked and sipped my mimosa.

" is that the mosa talking or what?" I laughed.

" I am not tipsy at all. Actually did they water this bitch down." I sipped it to taste it and he laughed. "No but I do, I love how we are. You are literally the best bestest best friend I have ever had."

"I love you too."


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