Harry Sick during class

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a/n so this really happend to me once during high school and I am still so embarrassed about it.

I had no one except the teacher who cared for me, all the other kids were just laughing at me.

I was on a different school then most people, I had other lessons besides the usual like math...
I had also lessons for cooking, art, technology, making flower bouquets, and many more like that, we also had a lot of animals at school. So many people hated it but i loved it. :)
( I am from the Netherlands btw)


Harry POV

I woke up with a slight stomach ache but wasn't thinking much of it. It happens from time to time. So why worry about it every single time.

Meeting my mother down stairs with a smile. "Hi mum".   "Hi love, sleep well?"
"I guess so" shrugging my shoulders. "Good." She smiled back.

I sat down at the kitchen table and made myself some cereal, I woke up a tiny bit later, so I hadn't much time to probably eat breakfast. Rubbing my eyes once more. Sighing softly.

Looking at clock a few minutes later, Liam would meet me with his bike at a exact point on the route to school. Putting on my jacket, it was in the beginning of November, the wind seemed to be getting chillier every time you go out.

"Hey mate, You're late as usual." Liam said greeting me. "Sorry you know i can't help it."
"You can, just get out of bed a little bit earlier." Liam pointed out. "You know that is never going to happen." I chuckled. "I know but I could try, now let's go before we get late to our first lesson." He said, already stepping back on his bike.

We were cycling together to school, the wind seemed to have picked up at one point. It was really getting colder outside. We cycled towards the school grounds. We already saw a lot of people, and of course the principal was standing at the gate, greeting everyone with a smile.

We politely smiled back and said a small 'hello'. We left our bikes with al the others. We walked inside, immediately feeling the heat. I sighed internally, some warmth felt really good right now.

We walked to our lockers, grabbing the books we needed for the first few lessons of the day. "What do You have for third lesson?" Liam asked. I was crouched down underage him, my locker was almost at the bottom. "Uhm I have cooking so I should be alright." I said. Liam hummed "Shit, I've got technology"

I pouted my lips. "Your really going to leave me alone?"    "Sorry can't do anything about it mate. But hey at least we both have garden design tomorrow ." He said back, trying to cheer me up a bit. I really looked forward to that, but first we have to survive today.

We both walked towards our first class of the day, history. That seemed to go way faster then I thought it would. Next up was math.
And of course I didn't understand a single thing from what he just said about Pythagoras. Maybe I am just to dumb for math.

However I did feel the stomach ache creeping back up. But what ever right, I am already halfway through the day. I could make it. No need to whine about it.

Cooking lesson started and the teacher greeted me with a smile, I was mostly the only one who was really listening to her.

"So today we are going to make cookies. I thought why not make something delicious, december is coming next month. I am first going to explain some things regarding baking time and such. Then we will al make them, you will be paired in groups of two..." she said. The whole class smiled and some even clapped there hand together wit h another person. Seemed like everyone already made a partner except me.

This was always how it worked when I was alone. Liam was my only friend so it really sucks when we both don't have the same schedule.

I started making the dough as best as I could. I was paired up with a girl who of course didn't like me. She didn't say a single thing to me, instead she talked to one of her friends who had the kitchen place besides us. It really felt like I was doing all the work here.

I don't really know what happend, but one moment I was fine and the next everything felt wrong. The room felt way to hot suddenly. To the lint where I could feel myself sweating. I took a quick look around and no one seemed bothered. Was it really just me who could feel it?

My hands were still kneading the dough when I felt incredibly dizzy. Everything seemed to spin around me. I blinked a few times, trying to clear my vision.

All sound around me drowned out, I could hear every one very distant like they were underwater. Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me. I just had to take some deep breaths, trying to calm myself down and then everything would be fine.

I don't rest know what happens next, it was all a bit of a blur. But I felt myself falling, then nothing.
When I came to I was sitting on the ground, with a bowl placed in front of me, i was throwing up.
My mind couldn't really keep up with it.

I felt a hand on my back, a sweet voice telling me that I will be okay. I recognized the voice at that from the teacher. She was calling me down.

I finally could take in a deep breath. "Your okay, just keep sitting down for a moment dear." She said softly, taking the bowl with sick in it away.
I nodded somehow, putting my hands over my eyes. The world was still a bit spinning. I felt shaky all over.

After a few minutes she helped me stand up and took me out of the class room. I felt everyone's eyes on me. I could see a few holding in their laugh. No doubt this story was going around the school tomorrow.

I walked with her to the principal office on wobbly legs. He frowned when he saw me coming in. I was never the trouble kid so this was really the second time that I ever came in here.
Ms. Flora told him What happend and that it was probably best to call someone to take me home. She also told me there how scary it was for her to just see me kind of black out and throw up. I don't blame her.

The principal took one look at me and nodded at her, he called my mother who was coming to get me immediately. My cheeks were flushed, but my overall skin was stock white. "You look very pale, did you feel sick when coming in?" He asked.
I shook my head because no I didn't really feel like throwing up sick. Just ache sick.

The door opened 15 minutes later, my mother came walking in and crouched down in front of me. She took me home and asked also why I was  suddenly sick so bad. I told her the same, I don't know. It just came over me.

I got a message from Liam when I got home.
'You okay? Everyone is saying that you fainted and threw up during class?'
'Yeah it's true'
'Where are you now?'
'My mother came and took me home'
'You alright now?'
'Not really'
'Get well soon <3'
'Thanks :)'

And so I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I slept through the rest of the day. Only waking up to try a bit of dinner which of course didn't stay down. My mother made me stay home another two days to really make sure I was alright.

And just like Liam said, every one was looking at me and whispering. The rumor already spread.

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