Harry Backpain #2 - Request

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A request from @lilalililee , sorry it took so long

Look at all of you, almost hitting the 7K reads on this story. :) 

I don't like this at all, the ending is very crappy. Hope you still enjoyed reading this. <3 

Two new story's coming very soon yay (A Larry one and the sequel to broken soul)


Harry POV

I hadn't struggled a lot with my back for some time. But today seemed to be a bad day for some reason. It started from the moment I woke up. It was like a burning feeling that started in my lower back that slowly crept upwards my spine.

Luckily we hadn't had much to do today, only the final rehearsal for our first show of the tour this year. We were in North America at the moment.

I was sat at breakfast and felt a shooting pain going through my back as soon as I set down. "You alright haz?" Louis asked, chewing on a piece of toast.
"Yeah I'll be okay" I answered him, trying to reassure him.

"You look in pain s'all" he said. "Who is in pain?" Liam asked as he came walking in, Niall and Zayn behind him. "Harry" Louis said. "What? Harry are you in pain?" Liam asked worried.
"No I am not" I denied. Winching as I did so trying to grab a piece of bread. ''you sure of that?'' Niall said, looking at me. ''yeah i am sure, give me a break okay.'' I said, my voice harsh without meaning too. ''didn't mean to make you angry.'' Niall muttered, taking place and grabbing something to eat. 

Everyone let me be after that small argument, which I was very thankful for. Paul came to get us for rehearsal. ''everyone ready to go?'' he asked. ''yeah were already'' someone answered. I wasn't stupid, I left earlier claiming to go to the bathroom, but I was searching for some pain relief meds in reality. Somehow everyone believed me.

We made it to the arena and our geographer came walking up to us and greeting us. We all said our hello's.

''okay lets just take it one final time from the beginning to the end. I am sure you will all smash this show tonight.'' He told us. ''lets do this lads.'' Liam said.

We took our positions that we were told to start earlier this week. The song started. Liam took his turn first and then it was my turn to sing. We went through half the setlist till we came to a slower song: little things. We all had to sit down on the ramps that were on positioned on stage.

Little things was always one of my favourite songs to sing. It was slow and beautiful song in my opinion. We all sat down and I was met with a temporary relief. I relaxed completely, happy to sit down, even if it was for a small moment.

 The melody's started, when it came up to the bit where I had to sing, a pain came over me. it was like a stabbing pain in my lower back. Something clicked.  I let out a small gasp at the feeling, my hand on my back, putting pressure on it. I couldn't form the words to sing, I saw the lads looking at me out of the corner of my eye. They were curious as on why I missed my cue. I never missed my cue.

I looked at Louis with wide eyes. '''hold on, something is wrong.'' He said, speaking in his microphone. The music stopped, they came rushing to me.

''what hurts?'' Liam asked, crouching down in front of me. I screwed my eyes shut taking a deep breath before answering. ''my back''

''okay.. okay... its going to be okay.'' Liam said, almost panicking himself. ''Zayn can yo get someone, Paul or a medic or something?'' Liam requested. ''yeah course'' Zayn said, rushing away, down the stage. The choreographer came walking up to him. ''what happened, what is going on?'' he now also asked. ''his back is hurting.'' Liam said.

Niall and louis stood beside Harry. They watched how the scene unfold. ''you should have just told us when your back is hurting H. We can help you.'' Liam said softly.  ''I didn't want to cause a scene.'' I answered. Wincing as I did so. 

Paul came rushing to them, followed by a nearby stage medic and Zayn. ''were here, its going to be okay. can you look at me for second Harry.'' Paul asked. I did so and looked him straight in the eyes. the medic and Paul took the previous places from Liam and the geographer. ''Good lad'' he said.

''I got told by your lovely friend that your back was hurting?'' the medic asked. ''yeah..'' I almost whispered back. ''okay can you tell me where it hurts the most when I am touching your back.'' The medic informed. I simply nodded back. ''okay here... or maybe somewhere more in this area..?'' ''Yeah there ahh..'' I gasped.

''okay.. do you have backpains often?'' he asked. ''yeah I have'' I answered. ''you think you can stand up?'' Paul asked. ''No I don't think so.'' I admitted. The look on their faces turned to fear. 

''the pain isn't in a crucial area, so we have to try and stand you up. We have to bring you to a nearby hospital to get this checked.'' The medic said. All the lads nodded around him. ''okay so here is how this is going to go. Paul you grab one arm, Liam you grab his other arm and help him up. I will try and keep his back as straight as possible. Harry this may hurt.'' 

''looking forward to it.'' I said sarcastically with a grimace. ''okay here we go, 3.. 2.. 1.. now.''


''you're okay Harry, doing very good.''

The pain never left when I stood up, I honestly started to feel very dizzy when I did end up standing upright. Paul and Liam were still grabbing my arms and holding me steady. I closed my eyes for a moment. I must have blacked out for a small second when I heard Paul say ''whoa Haz you still with us?''

I hummed ''dizzy''

''that's completely normal, you're okay. just take a minute.'' The medic said. 

I looked up in Paul and Liam's worried eyes and gave them a final silent nod that I was okay and the dizziness passed. The ride to the hospital was a blur honestly. I couldn't remember much from the whole thing. Doctors were rushing over me and asking me questions. But the only thing that I could focus on was the pain.

The next moment I woke up with white light shining in my eyes. and when I looked around, I realized that I was in a hospital room. I looked beside me and saw the lads sitting there in conversation with Paul. They rushed to my side when they saw me awake.

''what happened?'' I muttered very tiredly. ''nothing majorly happened, they found out you strained a muscle in your back. They gave you some pain relief, knocked you out for a few hours.'' Louis informed me. I hummed back, still in a somewhat daze. . ''we also got some special salve that you need to put on the area of your back if it hurts.'' Liam piped in to the conversation.

''go to sleep, the concert got cancelled and will be postponed to another date. Get some rest.'' Paul said.

 My back felt a bit better after yesterday, I could go home with the promise to rest as much as possible between shows and interviews.

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