A Wise Wolf and Cigarettes <3

Start from the beginning

Remus' smile waned. "It's your stupid brother, isn't it? Always your brother," Remus hissed, looking up at the sky.

Regulus nodded in solidarity. "What did he do?"

"Nothing smart."

Regulus left it at that, not prodding for more information. Remus blew out another cloud of smoke before squaring his shoulders and starting back inside.

He turned, hand on the door. "Thanks Reg."

And just like that, Remus disappeared again.

It was a cold winter morning, barely 5am and Regulus was perched in his usual spot on the ledge, smoking a cigarette.

A black jacket, gloves, Slytherin hat, and house colored scarf all tried their best to fight against the cold.

Regulus hadn't heard from Remus in a bit. He had to assume the boy had a rough full moon and had chosen, or rather, been forced to stay in the infirmary for a few days.

Regulus almost felt lonely without the other presence on the roof. It wasn't even that they really talked, but Regulus missed Remus' warm aura.

When the door to the astronomy tower opened, Regulus didn't think to turn around. He stayed silent, gazing out over the field of snow.

James, however, had been looking for Regulus. He was ready to beg and plead for forgiveness but he stopped short at the sight.

Regulus, the dark haired, handsome little brother of his best friend was sitting on the ledge of the astronomy tower, a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips.

James watched, mesmerized as the smoke curled from Regulus' lips. It wasn't until Reg finally turned around was James broken from his trance.

"What are you doing up here?"

"Nothing I-'" James stuttered, "I was just going for a walk."

"You're not gonna tell me you're sorry and pitch yourself off the astronomy tower, are you?'

"That wasn't the original idea but it's seeming like a good one now."

Regulus forced a wry chuckle.


"I don't really want to talk to you right now James."

"Reggie, please," James sighed, taking a couple steps closer.

"What's going on?" Remus asked from the door suddenly.

James shook his head weakly. "I was just leaving," he murmured, brushing passed Remus carefully and disappearing down the stairs.

Remus lowered himself across from Regulus gingerly, cringing a bit. Reg raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"Miss me?" Remus smiled cheekily, holding out a cigarette for Regulus to light.

"You wish," Regulus retorted, but he couldn't help but match Remus' grin. He noticed a new scar, dragging from his forehead to his nose.

"What's up with you and James?" Remus asked casually, coughing a bit as he inhaled.


Remus chuckled softly. "Cleary," he retorted sarcastically.

"I just...he doesn't have an off button, does he?"

"James? No, he doesn't. Alot like your brother in that way "

"Makes sense why they're friends then," Regulus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "So Potter is gonna keep apologizing until I forgive him?"

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