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"Luca I'm here!"I exclaim as I walk towards his office at the back of the club.

The door opens just a crack and he sticks his head out.

"My love! how are you."

"I'm good ,I got your texts what did you want to talk about?" I ask looking at him weird.

"We can speak in a moment I'm just wrapping up a meeting."

"Yes of course take your time I'll be out on the floor."

He nods closing the door shaking my head I walk down the hall to the club while he has escorts Luca also ran a strip club.This was where men acquired about the girls company.

Walking up to Nicole I smack her ass.

"Hey hot stuff,how's it going?"I ask popping myself up on a bar stool beside her.

"Aphrodite babe! I didn't know you were coming by tonight."

"Yeah neither did I but then Luca text saying there was business he needed to discuss with me and it was best I come tonight."

"Oh is that why those men are here?"Nicole asked tightening her garter around her thigh.

"What men?"I ask grabbing a pretzel from the bowl on the bar.

"Those men they came in right before you did tonnes of cash to spend said they had a business meeting with Luca and Crystal went to the office earlier and said they're buying a girl or something."

"Oh honey no one's buying any of the girls from here."

"No not the girls from the club from 'wicked'."

"But you can't buy an escort they can only pay for our services."

"That's not what Crystal heard.Oh that's my set love you babe I'll catch you later!"She called sauntering off towards the pole on stage.

Hell no.

Storming back towards the office I throw the door open against the wall glaring at Luca and of course Giovannis here.

"You're trying to fucking sell me?!"I scream.

"Oh fuck."Giovanni mumbles walking to come close the the door behind me.

"Aphrodite sit down."Luca says but someone's already say infront of the desk.

Oh for god sake.


"No I will not fucking sit down."

"Aph-"Giovanni try's to interject touching my shoulder.

"Remove that hand right now unless you want to lose it."

"Now Giovanni!"

"Aphrodite please just listen take a seat."

Begrudgingly I sit down beside the devil and opposite this asshole who apparently thinks he owns me.

Giovanni stands guard at the door like the dog he is.

"So it appears Mr.Rossi here, would like to, god how do I word this?"

"Buy.She got it right."Lucifer says turning in his seat to face me standing and straightening his suit looking down at me.

"I'm buying you."

"Absolutely not."

"Aphrodite you'll have an amazing life financial freedom anything you'd want."

Throwing myself up I lunge across the desk grabbing Luca by his ugly ass tie dragging his face to mine.

"Listen here you old fat bastard.You've never saw me get angry so keep running your loose mouth and your going to see it and it won't be as pretty as I am."I practically growl staring into his eyes.

"It's a lot of mo-"

I slam his face against the desk.Leaning down towards his ear I scream into it.

"I am not for fucking sale!"


I whirl around at the familiar voice.

"I beg your pardon."

"That's how much I've paid so damn right you're for sale."

"Yeah well you can take your money back you've wasted your time Mr.Rossi."

He steps into my personal space.Gripping my chin.

"I don't need a man to look after me asshole."Okay where did this bravery come from he's not just a common gangster Aphrodite he's in the actual mafia I remind myself.

But this was my life my freedom we were talking about and I'd be damned if I let someone rob me of it.Either way I was dead.

"Oh quite the contrary I've saw your bills and your house you went into debt when your mothers drug habit got out of hand so you dropped out of college to come work here to pay off her,hmm what was it again.$780,000 dollar drug debt."

"You bastard."

"Your bastard amore mio."

This man is going to be the literal death of me.

"No I will not allow this outright barbaric behaviour it is the twenty first century thank you very much."Turning to Lucifer I look him in the eye.

"If you wish to acquire my services that is perfectly fine but I will not be bought by anyone no matter what my personal circumstances are."I say narrowing my eyes on the last part this bastard had the actual audacity to bring up my mothers addiction.

She was just struggling and spiralled into a black hole that she needed help getting out of was all.She was a great mother.Is a great mother.

He stares me dead in the eye like he's sizing me up.Luca's staring at the pair of us ,sweat practically dripping off him in anticipation.In my peripheral I can see Giovanni hand on the doorknob ready to bolt at the first site of trouble.Pussy.

"You can go Ms.Pierce I apologise."Lucifer says straightening his tie once again I stare at him in shock so does Luca.

Mouth practically gaping he speaks up.

"Bu-but you already paid for her I apologise Mr.Rossi but I don't understand what's happening."

"Let's not talk about this in front of the lady we've caused her enough stress for the night."

I narrow my eyes at the pair grabbing my bag off the seat infront of Lucas desk I turn and grab the door knob pulling the door open wacking Giovanni with it in the process.

"Move out of the fucking way."

Still trying to grasp what just happened back there I step out the club doors into the fresh crisp air and begin my walk home.My heels clanking against the pavement.

I'm going to go visit mom and check up on her tomorrow see how she's doing it's been awhile since I last saw her I've just been so busy working to pay off all her debt that I haven't had enough time to go to see how she's doing. I need to make sure she's still attending her AA meetings and staying out of trouble.As well as paying off her debt I give her money to live off I don't want her to end up on the streets again and turning back to old habits.

Although I have gotten her debt down quite a lot I haven't been able to pay it off as quick as I imagined.I have my own house I have to pay for along with my utilities and normal everyday expenses then I'm saving for a car as-well as giving my mom a hefty chunk of my earnings.

It's not like I was smashed for cash but I wasn't exactly rolling in it either.

I jog up the steps of the appartment complex I live in I greet the door man.

"Hi Kyle."

"Evening Ms.Pierce."

I hit my floor once I get into the elevator and lean back against the gold steel wall of it letting out an exasperated sigh.

What a fucking life.

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