45. I lost

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Prakriti's pov:

I stepped back not knowing what to do. How do I tell him this isn't what was supposed to happen.

Darshan: Are you alright?
Darshan asked her while she faked a cry in his arms. Darshan looked at me. I saw something in his eyes that I had never seen before. Anger. For me.

Prakriti: Darshan I swear this is not what it looks like. She attacked me first.
I tried to explain.

Darshan: Stop lying. I saw everything. I thought you were my best friend. I trusted you with everything I had. I tried my best to keep you happy and you wanted to hurt my love?

Prakriti: Darsh... trust me.
There's so much I want to say but I couldn't.

Darshan: Get out of this place and our life. You lost all the trust I had on you. This is The End. Don't show your face. Never Ever.
There was no food in trying. It's over. Everything we had is now gone. She won. Their love won infront of our friendship sorry... my friendship. I left her place without uttering a single word.

*Back to Present*

I told Sid Bhai everything that had happened while tears rolled down my cheeks. Sid bhai pulled me into a hug trying to comfort me.

Prakriti: Bhai. I lost. My love lost.

Sid: No Pukku you didn't lose. He's still yours. Tell him the truth. He will come back. I know him. He loves you. He is just too stupid to see it.

Prakriti: He won't. He hates me. Don't show me fake hopes.
Sid bhai fell quiet. Maybe he gave up too.

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