7. Hope

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Prakriti' pov:

Sid: What did Sharma Aunty say?
He asked twitching his eybrows.

Esha: She said a girl named Tisha lived here years ago with her parents.

Sid: But many people lived here before us. Why are you talking about this?

Esha: Arreh! Let me finish my sentence first. Okay so where was I? Yes, she lived in this apartment with her parents. She loved to play cricket from her childhood.

Sid: What's bad in that?

Esha: How will you know if you don't let me finish my sentence.
She said giving a death glance to Sid. I just laugh silently at their cute Nokh Jhokh. Sid bhai puts his finger on his lips and nods his head in disdain indicating that he won't talk anymore. This guy 🤦‍♀️. Esha rolls her eyes and continues.

Esha: Even though she just a little girl minding her own business and doing what she truly loves people were not okay with it. They started judging her. She was told that cricket is meant for boys. Women's belongs in the kitchen. She heard many things like "Don't forget your place" "Be a little more girly" "Your dad is going to have to chase the boys once your older"

Sid: The poor girl. She had to bear so much at such a tender age.
He said placing his chin in his palm and making a puppy face.

Esha: But she never paid heed to any of the taunts of the peoples because her parents always supported her.

Sid: That's great.
He said with a sweet smile.

Esha: It was great till she wanted to turn her passion into her career. Her parents went against her. They said cricket is just a hobby not a career specially not for a girl.They started using the same taunts that people used to use on her. She already heard enough from others. She couldn't take it from her parents. So she...

Sid: She.. what???
Sid bhai asked. Concern was clearly visible in his face.

Prakriti: She killed herself.
I said sighing.

Sid: Whatt??? But she should've tried to convince them if they weren't convinced she could even run away but dying isn't a solution. Why did she decide that? Living is better than dying cause you wake up with a hope everyday.

I don't relate to Sid Bhai's words I think it would be better for me to die than live cause I don't have any hopes left in my life. Screw that I lost my life. But this ain't the time to worry bout my messed up life. We have to calm down Sid bhai first. Esha bursts into laughter seeing Sid bhai freaking out and as always I couldn't control my laughter after seeing her. We were both rolling on the floor laughing. And Sid bhai was looking at us confusingly.

Sid: Why are you two laughing? Wait a second.. was it all a joke?

Prakriti: Oh my god I can't believe you actually thought it was true.
I said panting for air being out of breath from laughing.

Sid: So it was a prank? Y'all I was so freaking scared. How do you even get such terrible ideas? I'm so done with you two.
He leaves the room. We get out of the room after a while and try to find him. We find out that the master bedroom door is looked so we guess he is there. We knock on the door.

Sid: Go away from here.
Okay so his anger hasn't calmed down wet. Guess we will have to find another way rather than just waiting. I have an idea. It'll work for sure.

[Hey readers! even though the story of Tisha was totally imaginary. Many womens are actually facing the same things as Tisha. Even now some people thinks that womens job is to do household chores and to raise kids. When a women becomes independent she faces many obstacles that mens don't have to face. She has to hear many things from other's. People even questions her character for her position. It's time we end the thought  that Womens belongs in the kitchen and support the womens with a hope to build a better society for the future generation. Where our daughter won't be asked the questions that we are being asked. It's time we let the world know that womens are capable to do anything they want]

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