48. Stuck in a Game

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Darshan's pov:

Sid bhai left me alone in my thoughts. So much we're going in my mind. What if she wasn't lying? What if I only saw what I wanted to see? What if I listened? I had only one thing ringing in my head "what if?" I didn't have any answer to those what ifs. The only way I could get that is by reading the diary. I picked it up with all the courage I had. I turned the pages till there was none left. I kept it back on the bed and sighed.

*Time Skip*

Rajal Maa: Where's Siddharth?

Darshan: He left.

Rajal Maa: Without informing me?
I nodded. She didn't say anything for a while. There was silence in the room. Shortly after, she decided to break it.

Rajal Maa: So when are you telling me?

Darshan: Tell you what?

Rajal Maa: Everything.

Darshan: What do you mean?

Rajal Maa: You know exactly what I mean. You really thought I wasn't going to notice that something happened between you and your friends? Something big. What is it? What is it that made you so distant from others?

Darshan: Maa it's nothing.

Rajal Maa: I'm your mother. I can see right through your heart. What is it that's hurting my child?
I gave in. I decided to tell her. Everything. And I did. I told her about the diary and the words it held. I told her how I felt. How I was torn. My heart wanted to believe her. It wanted to win her back. Forgive her. And have a fresh start. My there was also a thought in my head. What if it's just a game? And I'm caught in it?

After a while Maa finally spoke.

Rajal Maa: Darshu I don't know who's right and who's wrong but there's one thing I know. Or rather a person. Prakriti. As far as I know she really loved you. But then again it's just my thoughts. It doesn't matter what I think or what I say. Rather it's what you feel. Shake off all your thoughts and think without any feelings involved. What actually happened that day? Don't let yourself biased. Stand back from it maybe everything will make sense. When were in love whether in a romantic or friendly manner, we tend to miss a lot of things. So did you. Try to find all the things that you had missed back then. Maybe you'll find your answer?

I didn't say anything. My mind was full of thoughts. I was confused. Despite the confusion, there's one thing I knew. It was all a game. I was someone's puppet. Now I have to find who the strings belonged to. I went back to my room. Thought of what I could do. I needed answer. Prakriti wasn't ready to give them. I know for sure. Even if I were to meet her. I'd get carried away. I'd sink within my emotions. It's not the right time for that. I need to fix things. A year ago I let my emotions control me without thinking it through but not this time. I'll make sure I see the end of it.

I wouldn't be able to find clues from Prakriti, Sid or Esha. They were all a team and it's best if I stay out of it. And on the other side I couldn't just straight up ask Kiara either. If whatever is written in the diary is true then she is surely gonna manipulate me once again.

I pulled my hairs being frustrated not knowing what to do. I looked at the camera that I had kept on the shelf . I loved photography, that's why I kept it there as way to show my love for this hobby of mine. That's when it hit me. If I had to find out what happened I need to go back to that night. The answers lied in the past itself. No matter how good of a mastermind you are there has to be something that slipped through the tiny cracks of your fingers. I had to find what that mistake was. And I have to start now. I took my jacket with an intention of leaving.

Rajal Maa: Where are your going?

Darshan: To find the answer.

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