Sleeping Potion

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Julie's POV

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Julie's POV

Beta Terry arrived with a food tray that smelled divine. "Hello, Julie. I can see you are finally awake. I felt frightened when I came to bring you dinner upon your arrival. You were unresponsive." I felt embarrassed for creating all this disturbance. What was my mate thinking of me? "I am sorry, Beta Terry. I did not mean to."

He smiled and waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. The trip was long, I understand." He left the food tray on the small table and disappeared to another door. I could hear the running water, and it must be the bathroom. On Beta Terry's return, he said. "Now, I ran you a bath. It would be best if you relaxed a little after everything. I put your things inside the dressing room" Beta Terry moved his head to another door indicating the place.

"I will be back to bring your dinner. Just relax for now. By the way, the steak was provided by Ares." I blushed. And Aphrodite was wagging her tail. "See, I told you our mate must be in love. He is bearing gifts already."

"Thank you very much, Beta Terry. You are very kind." I was confused. Terry was a Beta. Betas have too many serious responsibilities, and I can only imagine the amount of work in a pack this size. Why was he nicely playing Omega? A female Omega should be looking after me, now that I was to become their Luna, and doing those non-essential things. He left the room, and I heard the lock clicking. "Jules, did he just lock us in the room?"

"I think he did lock it. Are we in any danger, Aphrodite? I know this is a strong pack of warriors. But do you think they can get here and hurt us?" Aphrodite moved around, thinking. "Even if we are in danger, Jules, I am unable to sense it. But it doesn't matter. Now we have a strong mate to protect us."

I took a deep breath and thought about my family. "That is true. My father protected my mother till the end. It might be because we have not been introduced to the pack yet. We are rogues at the moment. Better stay inside till the Luna ceremony."

"Yes, Jules, we can't afford to run into trouble. Now eat our food. It smells delicious. I can't wait to taste what Ares got us and have a well-deserved bath." I laughed. "Oh yes! I have not had a warm bath since I was twelve."

The delicious food and the bath Beta Terry prepared were to die for. The bathroom was even more luxurious than my father's one at the pack, and everything seemed expensive. It was dark outside, and I was getting nervous. I did not know when my mate finished his Alpha duties and if he would have dinner with me. Would he find me pretty even when I could not look at my skinny face in the mirror?

I was wearing a long sleeve white top and jeans, both engulfing my frame. But even though I was nervous, I wanted to see him. I wanted him to hold me in his arms like Aphrodite said he did. I felt calm again, and I knew it was Aphrodite sensing my discomfort and trying to help me. The door clicked open, and in walked Beta Terry with a tray. I am sure he could feel my disappointment. He knew I wanted it to be my mate.

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