"Uhh," I say looking up at Alyssa who's face went blank. Like completely emotionless and staring off into nowhere kind of blank. I then look to Jackie who's chuckling to herself and staring at the ground engulfed in her own thoughts. "Sure?" I answer more as a question.

"Great. I'll come to your cabin at like nine or something."

"Ok." I quickly try and end the conversation and it works as Cameron turns around and shouts to the kids.

"Congrats, Cass!" Jackie pats me on the back, having both Alyssa's attention and mine. "Looks like you have a date for tonight. Don't you think that's great, Alyssa?"

Alyssa tightens her jaw and spins on her heel. "Ok, everyone in mine and Jackie's group it's time to circle up over here!" The children who were gathered in their own little space race each other over to Alyssa, pushing and bumping one another on the way there.

"Cass," Cameron calls me over to the little huddle our kids have accumulated. I stand up and look down at Jackie who just gives me a wave.

"Stay fresh, Callan" she tells me-whatever that means.

I see we're on last name terms and try and think back to whatever her last name might be, but it's harder than I thought. Probably because I've never heard it before. Yeah, that's most likely why. "Quality advice, whatever-your-last-name-is," I retort.

Jackie chuckles, "it's Thomas." So that's what it was.

"Ok," I nod. "Thomas. Noted."

Jackie stood up, matching my height. Getting ready to go and join Alyssa most likely. "So I know your last name, you know my last name, that means we're best friends right!" She sarcastically cheers, clapping her hands together. Yep this is very similar to back home.

"Don't be clingy!" I yell and Jackie gives me her middle finger but when she remembered she was surrounded by children she lowered her hand and stuck out her tongue. Not giving a shit about the children I flashed her my finger and made my way to my group.

If only I met Jackie first, I thought. If only.

"I'm really sorry, Alyssa," I apologize for the millionth time tonight. I feel like I almost betrayed her by saying yes to Cameron, but really she was the one who got me into this situation.

"It's fine," she waves me off. "Honestly it's not big deal."

"But I just don't want you to think its a date cause it's not," I tell her still feeling guilty.

"It's totally a date!" Jackie shouts from atop her bed. She was looking through a magazine she brought in her suitcase, one from months and months ago. I only knew that because I had the same one back home. Home. Ugh I wanted to go back home and out of this hell hole. Who woulda thought I wanted to go home! That's how you know I hate the outdoors!

I glared at Jackie who didn't even look up from her "Who Wore It Best" article. The magazine got it wrong anyways, Jennifer Lawrence totally wore it better.

"It's not." I assured Alyssa who surprisingly looked completely fine. I think that's what actually scared me. I expected her to be raging with jealousy or maybe crying her eyes out 'cause she wished Cameron asked her out instead, but no. She was perfectly alright.

"Cass, I'm ok, really. It's no big deal." Alyssa shrugged and made her way onto her bottom bunk, me following closely behind. Was this her attempt at shutting me out? Because I kinda wish it was, that way I can be sure that she hates me.

"Are you-"

"Cass!" Jackie yelled, her magazine now sprawled across her lap. "Just. Let. It. Go." I sighed and nodded. Jackie was right. "I mean we all know she's flipping out on the inside, just let her go crazy in peace... If that's possible," Jackie added.

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