'the fall of combrades'

Start from the beginning

I heard 2 titans shifting that can't be good I thought zooning though the trees

I saw my combrades laying on the ground. Chewed,chomped,slashed and kicked. I felt angry that they just died like that and how?

I turned my head to see a black haired girl.. the one who was in erens trials

He killed 3 grown men with her right?

I zoomed after her

"Oi brat! Only upper ranks in the forest"

"Erens in trouble move it short shit!" She Let out that nasty ass tone

I chased after her "oi wait!

I shouted at the girl and she zoomed

We saw erens scrawnny titan form beating up and the female titan running

Tch" I said

I pulled out my blades and slashed up her arm

Mikasa went in for a swoop at the eyes and she did it.

She went again for the neck "OI wait!!" I shouted getting up off the tree and showing her.

I ended up sprainting my foot or something.. jesus..

I thought "I thought I told you to stop!"
She just gave me a nasty glare
Dam brat

I thought

I sliced open her mouth and grabbed Eren

He was slimy as shit but fine I told mikasa

We went home in the carts throwing a few body's off to get rid of dead weight

I then took eren home.

Later on he woke up in the basement.

"Captain!?" He jumped up shouting

"What." I said putting my head down looking at my folded arms

"Where We not just out on the field!?"

"U where unconcious for 2 days brat"

I said looking at him


We both just sat in silence..

"Youve got to heal a few more injuries so try sleeping a bit more" I said walking into his cell

"Im not exactly tired." The brat blurrted out

I just unlocked his chains and left

I walked out of the cellar

Hearing him jump out of his bed and run for me

"Where are you going captain!

"Meeting with erwin in the mess hal in 30 mins"

He walked with me down to the mess hall
He made me tea while i sat down

I just sat there with my arms crossed and my eyes closed. Slumped into my chair

He broight me the tea and sat the oppisite end of the table

It was awakward.

"Erwins quite late" i said breaking the silence.

"Yeah.." his rough voice said clearly seeing the tears in his eyes.

"Tch" i made then sound while clutching my leg

Erens head shot up..

He bit his lip and said

"Sorry sir its my fault.."

"Cant change the past brat"

I saw the tears running down his face.

I set my tea down

"Hey woah- wait till someone who handles emotions shows up."
I said

He brought a fists to his eyes and cried silently

I got up off my chair and walked over to hin

"Why are you even crying" i said. Him tryna hide his face from me.

"Eren i asked you something" i said grabbing his wrist. He got up from his chair and just cried

"Your not weak for crying jeager."

I said

He took my hand of his wrists and held it up to his chest

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He took my hand of his wrists and held it up to his chest

I didn't know how to help him so I just rubbed his fingers with my thumb

I felt the tears fall onto my finger tips

I brought my other hand into my pocket and brought out my hankerchief

"Here. Dry you eyes and stop crying like a child"

I gave him it and he let go of my hand

And wiped his tears

He gave it back to me I just folded it and set it beside him on the table

I sat back down so did he

"If u needa leave anytime during this meeting just say my name and ill bring you out"

O-ok captain" he said

After about 2 minutes of silence I said

"Just because its quite dosent mean u start crying again got it?"

He laughed and said "Yes heichou"

Then erwin burst through the door with hanji and the 104th cadet cores top 10

Mikasa ran to eren "EREN!! Have you been crying did short stack hurt you!?"

Armin calmed her down thank god and we discussed who the female titan might be

Use all know what happends they know its Annie she gets caught blah blah blah the end of this page now

°•○●1845 words●○•°

the brat that drives him crazyWhere stories live. Discover now