Chapter 3: ~*Duels and Do-Overs*~

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck was that?" She glared at him, confused as to what his problem was.

"Well obviously someone tried to drop a gargoyle on her." He stated in a matter of fact tone.

"You know what I meant." Vera spoke flatly, looking away from him. "But you make a good point. I mean yeah she's weird but isn't that what this school is for? Why try to kill her?" Vera ranted slightly.

Xavier stood next to her nodding to what she said. Suddenly Wednesday sat up, once again startling Vera. Flinching loud popping noises sounded in the silent room before she let out a small yelp. Wednesday and Xavier stared at her for a moment before Xavier rolled his eyes in her direction again and started talking to Wednesday. Vera sat there zoned out as the popping noises ceased and long brittle looking spikes protruded from her back, ripping her uniform and stabbing into the chair. Trying to relax herself she focused back into their conversation, catching a small part of it.

"You two know eachother?" Vera spoke aloud, her gaze not exactly on the two, but as if she was looking through them.

Xavier huffed. "You ask a lot of questions. She's awake now, you don't have to be here anymore."

"Oh, I-" Vera started.
"Neither do you. She can stay if she wants too." Wednesday cut her off sending Xavier a steady glare, glancing over at Vera.

Vera sat in her chair looking down. Unaware of Wednesday's gaze upon her knuckle white grip on the armrests of the chair and her dazed look.

"What happened?" Wednesday continued their previous conversation. "Puberty?" Xavier shrugged.

"No dumbass what happened the last time you two met?" Vera snapped at him, standing up and grabbing her bags, seemingly out of her dazed trance. "I think I'm gonna head to my dorm." She mumbled taking a few steps.

She stopped for a moment nodding to Wednesday. "If I see Enid I'll let her know what happened so she won't bombard you."

Without waiting for a response from either of the two she continued out of the room, catching a small snippet of what Xavier said next.

"Did you see her uniform..?"


Vera strolled down the hallway of Ophelia Hall, holding a sleeping Enid in her arms. The two plus Yoko had been up almost all night talking about how things had been since Wednesday showed up. Vera kept quiet about how weird Xavier had been acting when they asked how she felt, bringing up the music she had heard earlier.

"Oh that was Wednesday!" Enid had said.

"Really? She's really good." Vera mumbled. "Good? She's great?!" Enid yelled.

"Enid?" Yoko stared at her.

"Yes?" Enid replied tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"You think she's great at everything." Yoko had deadpanned.

A while later, Vera lifted a sleeping Enid up and out of her shared dorm, walking down the hallway to return the girl to her own. Her mind wandered as she walked silently. Bringing herself out of her thoughts she stopped at the door of Enid's dorm, loosening her grip on the girl to open the door. As the door swung open Enid's body swung backwards, her head slamming into the doorframe.

"Oh shit, please don't wake up.." Vera muttered under her breath, fixing her hold on the girl and continuing into the room.

Enid stirred in her arms before clutching onto Vera's neck. Not noticing Wednesday Vera walked over to Enid's bed, pulling back the blanket and setting the girl in it, tucking her in and almost kissing the girls forehead before pulling back.

"Force of habit." She thought aloud.

"Didn't expect for you to show up in my dorm." Wednesday spoke from behind Vera.

Vera yelped loudly turning around to face her and tripping over her own feet, slamming onto the floor.

"You fall often, stalker." Wednesday watched Vera stand back up before turning and sitting back at her desk.

"I should get you a bell, since you seem to love sneaking up on me." Vera rolled her eyes, walking over to where Wednesday sat.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot on your first day. I definitely do not wanna stalk you, thought I'm surprised you're not stalking me, you pop up everywhere." Vera explained.

"I wouldn't mind having a stalker, kind of disappointed actually. I was hoping it would all end with you having some sort of plan to kill me." Wednesday smirked to herself, not facing Vera.

The two sat in a comfortable silence before Wednesday abruptly turned around.

"I have a question." She started.

"Ask away."  Vera sat down on what seemed to be Wednesdays reading chair.

"Well two. In the infirmary what were those popping noises and what happened to your uniform ? And what was Xavier's problem with you? Not that I care." Wednesday quickly added the last part.

"I have no clue what Xavier's problem with me is, as for the popping noises and my's a long story." Vera shifted uncomfortably.

"We've got all night." Wednesday turned her chair to face Vera fully.

"Ok well.."

Word Count: 1,402
Vera Lore?!?!
Me calling the first chapter long was understatement of the year. I hope this long chapter makes up for my lack of speedy updates, I'll try to keep the next chapters a bit shorter so you get them faster. I hope you enjoy this one!! ❤️❤️
Keeping it real Idfk what Vera was thinking of since it's been 2 years since I've even LOOKED at this stuff 😭

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