But Mat was just a girl like me.

I have to stop kidding myself. I had spent way to long in the wild and that's where I probably belong. I don't belong here in the pack. This is my new life now and I don't think I could spend my whole life not fitting in and getting tormented by Harley. I thought my life would be better here but it isn't. Uncle Ramses was my family and I abandoned him.

Someone came beside me while I was leaning against a large boulder rock in the corner of my eyes I saw it was Ulric but I had no energy to tell him to go away. "You are like a tick that won't go away." I said.

"Harley won't come to apologize so I'm going to do it for her." he said. "Look, what she did was wrong to try and embarrass her. I didn't know what she was going to do. I wouldn't have let her done it if I did."

I snorted, "Sure you wouldn't."

"What does that mean?" he asked.

"You always take your girlfriend side. I don't need either of your apologies, I don't accept them." I said coldly. "Why can't you both just leave me alone? Do you both just like tormenting me?"

Ulric sighed heavily, "Aeriela, of course that isn't true—"

"Just stop." I said. I finally turned to look at him with such anger, "I don't want to hear it. It's just going to be some bad excuse and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of everything. Maybe I should have never left Uncle Ramses." I turned my head to look out on the wide open lake. "I don't belong here, everyone made that clear."

"Of course you do." he said. "Mat brought you here."

"Because I ran away. I ran away from my Uncle and she took pity on me. She says we're sisters now but I don't feel like we are. I feel like I'm some burden on her." I said out loud without meaning to but it just came out. I was letting all my anger out with my big mouth.

"You think I don't understand but I do." he said, making me roll my eyes. "Killian at one time was the golden boy of the family before he met Mat. I always was prone to causing trouble. I don't know how it happens but bad things just seem to happen around me. I'm just one big piece of bad luck. I stupidly do things without thinking and I just hurt everyone around me. People like you."

"Seems like Harley going to have allot of problems with you." I said.

"Last night, I didn't stop you from hurting Harley because of her." he said, confusing me because that's exactly what it was. He stopped me from hurting his pretty face girlfriend. "I stopped you because I knew she was no match to you. You're a strong girl and I knew you would regret it after. You were hurt and angry, I could see it all in your eyes."

I turned to look at him as I shook my head, "I call that bullshit." I said. He looked at me with those dark blue eyes and I just wanted to slap him. "You just didn't want me to scar her pretty face up."

"Really, you think that?" he asked. "Aeriela, it may be hard to believe but I care allot more about you than I do for her." he coldly said as he turned to look at me with those blue eyes. His words shocked me because I hadn't been expecting that and I inched away. He brought his hands up to his head, "I have been going out of my mind since I met you. You think I'm cold to you? It's because it's what I do for the people I care about so I don't screw anything up with them. I don't care for Harley like I care for you."

"Th-that's your girlfriend." I reminded him.

He took a step towards me with a hard look on his face, "I don't care about hurting Harley. I have done so much crap to make her stay away but she chooses to deal with my bullshit. I don't want to hurt you, Aeriela. Why don't you understand that?" he said.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now