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"Knock, knock." Elodie startles as she looks up, seeing Luke standing on the top step of the crew bus.

"Hi." She smiles sheepishly, setting the book she'd been trying to read aside.

"You do know there's a party going on outside?" Luke asks, wandering into the bus space further.

"I don't like crowds."

"I know. But you did promise me I'd see you after the show tonight."

"I didn't know about this little surprise you guys had planned then."

"You know this party is in part for you too, right?" Luke chuckles, settling into the couch beside her.

"I know, Peter keeps texting me to come out for a bit too." She sighs.

"How about I make you a deal, pretty girl?"

"What kind of deal?" She cocks an eyebrow at him.

"Come to the party for a bit and then you and I will go back to the hotel and we can celebrate more your speed, just the two of us. How does that sound?"

"I get a private party with the Luke Hemmings?" She gasps, amusement written across her face as she jests.

"If you come out to the crew party for a bit. An hour with the crew and then you can have the rest of the night with just me."

"Buses don't leave until two, so do I get you until then?" She giggles, her hand lifting to cradle one side of his jaw.


"One hour."

"One hour." He repeats back to her, leaning in quickly to place a kiss to her lips, smirking as she chases him when he pulls back. "One hour and then you can have all the kisses you want, pretty girl."

"Alright, I'll be out in a minute. I should probably put on a bra again if I'm going to be in public." She sighs.

Luke's eyes glance down reactively as she says it, smirking as he sees she's wearing the pink cropped hoodie they've had available at a few shows. "No one out there is going to have any idea you're not wearing one of you don't."

"But you will."

"Is that a bad thing?" He smirks, "Because honestly I think it's kind of hot knowing my girl's not wearing anything under her hoodie." His grin grows as he sees her blush hard.

"Your girl?" She squeezes out.

"That's the part that has you blushing?" Luke laughs.

"No, but that's the part I'm focusing on."

"You're sexy, El, and you're my pretty girl. I'm going to remind you of all of that. Now, let's get out to the party so your hour can start and end sooner."

"For me right?" She cocks an eyebrow at him, chuckling at the sudden change in his tone.

"Maybe for me too." He shrugs, pulling her up by the hand before gripping her bare waist tightly, sliding his hands up slightly until his thumbs can brush the points where her lower chest begins to round.

"One hour." Her voice has lost all confidence as she focuses on the rough pads of his thumbs against her skin, goosebumps running through her ribs and up her spine from the contact.

"Come on, pretty girl, it's time to let us thank you for all you've done on tour. And later I'll thank you privately for everything you've done personally for me." He winks, leaning in to kiss her deeply for a moment before he pulls his hands from her body, walking backwards for a second before spinning to head for the door. Elodie stays where she is for a moment, shivering physically to rid her body of the intense feeling flooding it before following after him off the bus and into the backlot where the band set up an end of tour party to surprise the crew after the show.

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