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"You ready for this?" Ashton asks Luke as they arrive back at the latters home in LA.

"I don't know what to expect honestly, and the more likely outcomes of what happens when we walk in are daunting." Luke sighs, unlocking the gate as Ashton follows just behind him.

"That's why I'm here though, Luke." Ashton's hand lands on Luke's shoulder, squeezing encouragingly.

"Thank you again, for being here for me, Ash, it means a lot."

"You'd do it for me, it's what family does."

"Let's do this." Luke breathes out heavily, practically jogging up the three stairs to his porch due to nerves. Ashton stays right behind him as they enter the house, his senses on alert for anything off.

"Did she actually leave?" Luke mumbles as they wander through the entry and into the kitchen space, glancing around before Ashton taps Luke's shoulder, motioning towards the informal living room space where Amy is sitting quietly on the couch.

"Amy?" Luke calls out, slowly walking down the five stairs from the kitchen into the space.

"Oh, good you're back." Amy turns, and Luke can instantly tell there is something off.

"What's going on, Ams?" Luke asks, stopping with a couch still between them, Ashton having stayed in the kitchen.

"I just wanted to tell you in person, actually that's a lie, but you didn't answer any of the fifty or more calls I've sent over the last two days. Anyway, I'm leaving LA. My dad, he's taken a major turn for the worse with his health, and my brother needs my help. So, this is goodbye. There's no point fighting for us anymore, you clearly don't want an us, and I could be home for weeks or years depending on how dad does." She stands slowly, lifting her purse onto her shoulder. "My flight is late tonight. You've got your wish, L, you're free of me."

"I— what?" Luke is taken aback by the completely un-Amy way she is currently acting.

"I've already packed all my things and sent them ahead, I'm leaving. You can go date that guitar tech or whoever you want. You're single and free of me." She repeats, patting his arm softly as she passes, giving Ashton a small nod before heading out of sight towards the door.

The sound of the front door closing echos exceptionally loudly through the house as she goes, Luke and Ashton's eyes meeting with mirroring looks of confusion.

"Was that the same Amy who fucking ripped your chest to shreds last week?" Ashton asks after a long minute of silence.

"I have no idea." Luke responds, his own mind still trying to figure out what just happened.

"Do you want me to hangout? In case she comes back?"

"No, it was weird but it was genuine." Luke shakes his head, "She's gone."

"Well, I guess that's good then?" Ashton seems unsure as he says it.

"Ya, it is." Luke chuckles, a heavier laugh following as relief starts to flood his body.

"Get some rest, Luke, and unpack, and maybe still change your locks, just to be safe." Ashton chuckles, offering a wave before heading for the front door himself.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket to send a text to Elodie, Luke is surprised to see a text from Amy waiting on the screen.


If you're willing, it would
be nice to talk to you
one last time. The usual
cafe at 4? I understand
if you decline, but it
would mean a lot to

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