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"Hope the world will spin slower, I don't want to get older, I don't want to get older..."

"You have such a beautiful voice, El." Luke comments as the song ends, the venue for the show tonight only a block ahead of them.

"Thanks." She blushes, "I like to sing, I could never do it in front of people though, not like you do. I admire you for doing it though, I love your voice."

"Is there anything that would get you to sing in front of people?"

"I sing for Rebecca, and I sing with Peter sometimes. Sadie's heard me sing too, and Amber and Lily."

"What about publicly?"

"There's no way." She laughs, "You should know that about me by now."

"I do know it." He sighs, toying with his thoughts for a moment before deciding to ask, "Okay, here me out, I have an idea."

"Yeah?" She cocks an eye at him as she parks the car right outside the venue for Rebecca to take home tonight after the show.

"Have you ever heard of a ghost vocalist?"

"A what?" She turns slightly in her seat to look at him.

"A ghost vocalist. Basically it's when someone lends their vocals to a song but isn't credited by their name on the song. Either they are credited as a ghost vocalist, or as a stage name. They get to sing on a song or album, and get paid for it, but only a select few people in the world ever know it's their voice."

"Why are you telling me about this?" She asks nervously.

"You can say no, it won't change anything, but I would love it if you would take a few days and think about the idea of being a ghost vocalist on Older. When Michael and I wrote it we thought the only way it could get better was if we had a female vocal on it."

'Luke..." She sighs.

"I know, I'm asking a lot of you with this. But I promise, pretty girl, if you say yes, myself, Michael, and maybe Ashton and Calum would know. That's it. We could probably even get away with keeping it from Ashton and Calum if you really wanted that. Just think about it, please? For me?"

"I'll think about it. But I doubt I will be able to find a part of me that is willing to do this for you, Luke. The idea of my voice being played across the world, that I'd be on Spotify and Apple Music, even anonymously, it's terrifying."

"I get that too, El. I've been toying with the idea of asking for a while, and I know it's a long shot, but kissing you was also a long shot, and look how well it's working out for me." He smirks.

"I'll think about it, Luke." She rolls her eyes, "Now, I need to go do your guitar prep or you're going to mess up my hometown show, and I am not a fan of that idea. Plus, if fans walk the wrong way they may see us sitting here in the car."

"I like this car, it's been our own little bubble today, the place I got to know you and your life so well." Luke almost frowns.

"This morning was fun, Luke. I liked sharing my city with you for a few hours, but reality is waiting, and it's still good." She reaches across the console to squeeze his hand.

"I know, but in our current reality, I have to give you space, and after this morning that sounds like torture." Luke chuckles.

"Clingy much?" She laughs, grabbing her bag and climbing from the car, knowing Luke will follow."

"When it comes to you, apparently." He admits, following like she had known he would, his hand brushing across the small of her back just long enough to convey further his desire to stay close.

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