Jason and Annabeth locked eyes with each other, like they were sharing a secret message. "Get some rest, Lucia." Annabeth said. "Maybe you'll remember more clearly after getting some sleep."

"I'm fine," Lucia said.

"You sure?" Jason asked. "Because it looks to me like –"

The sound of a conch horn filled the night sky. The trio went into alert. At first, they thought it was another attack. But then Piper popped her head into the infirmary.

"Your sister's here," She said to Jason. "Along with Artemis and Rachel."

That can't be good. Annabeth thought to herself. "Let's go," She said to Jason.

"Wait," Lucia said. "I'm coming too."

"You need rest, Lucia." Jason said.

"I'm fine," Lucia insisted. When she got up, Annabeth noticed a slight pained expression on her face, though she tried her best to hide it. "See?"

It seems that there was no changing her mind so Annabeth gestured her to come along.

When they went outside, Chiron was already there to greet Artemis and her Hunters.

The three of them walked up next to Chiron. "What brings you here, Lady Artemis?" Chiron asked with a smile.

Artemis smiled tiredly. "We're here for a quick break, Chiron. And there are some business I would like to indulge with a few of your students."

"Ah, of course. The Artemis cabin is always open for the Hunt." Chiron said. "And might I know who these students of mine that you have business with?"

Artemis changed her gaze towards the three of them, Jason, Annabeth and Lucia. "That one in particular." Artemis pointed at Lucia.

Chiron turned towards the trio. "I know you're tired and nervous, but Lady Artemis means you no harm." Chiron said. Annabeth and Jason had their fair share of experiences with Olympians, but not Lucia. Poseidon and Dionysus are probably the only gods she's met so far.

"Yeah, I'm good." Lucia said. She stepped forward and bowed at Artemis. Her Hunters left and went towards their cabin except for two people, Thalia and . . . Rachel? What's Rachel doing with the Hunt?

"Rise up, child." Artemis said. "We must talk somewhere private. Come." Artemis lead the five of them to the Big House.

Annabeth shot Rachel a look. What are you doing with them?

I'll explain later. Rachel mouthed.

This really can't be good.

Line Break

Percy saw nothing except for darkness. He tried moving but his body won't respond. He felt like he was floating in nothing. He couldn't hear anything. Not even his beating heart, that is if it's even beating.

Is this death? Percy thought to himself.

The last thing he remembered was getting stabbed by Zoe after telling her his true feelings.

That hurts.

Not the stab. The stab was painful, but being betrayed like that hurts. He thought he could trust Zoe. She had no reason to betray him. Or did she?

Zoe's dead because of Percy anyway. Maybe she holds some sort of vengeance towards Percy for it. Maybe she killed Percy just to get back at him.

Anyway, what's done is done. Percy was now dead and forgotten by the rest of his friends. He'd taken this stupid deal with Gaia and had ruined his past life for good. He doesn't even know if he'll ever get his old life back.

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